
  • 网络Coffee time;Coffee Jikou;Cafe Time
  1. 这部《奥塞》将由侯孝贤前年的作品《咖啡时光》班底负责摄制。

    The " Osei " will be the year before Hou Hsiao-hsien 's " Coffee Time " team responsible for the shooting .

  2. 很多家庭在这里野餐,孩子们在玩耍,人们在一个名叫咖啡时光(CoffeeTime)的简易小吃店前排队购买咖啡和茶(一杯咖啡300日元)。

    I found families picnicking , children playing and people lining up for coffee and tea from the ramshackle snack bar called Coffee Time ( a coffee is 300 yen ) .

  3. 我希望客户在银行里看看报,喝喝咖啡的休闲时光很快会到来。

    I hope the day when customers enjoy sitting in bank , reading paper or sipping coffee will not be long to come .

  4. 这个有趣的游戏非常适合在聚餐或者大家围坐在炉火旁喝着自制的美味咖啡一同享受美好时光时进行。

    This is a really fun activity to do while eating dinner or while sitting around the fire drinking homemade gourmet coffee .

  5. 该剧讲述了6位男女和他们飘忽不定的爱情,还有他们在咖啡店中享用超大杯咖啡的时光。

    This is a story about six friends with precarious love lives who spend their days sitting in a cafe sipping coffee from oversized mugs .

  6. 大多数的咖啡店都能上网。其中“咖啡时光”有最新式的电脑和最快的网速。

    Most of the coffee shops have an Internet connection , but Coffee Break has the newest computers and the fastest connections .

  7. 午后,很多人都会要一杯咖啡、一碟瓜子在咖啡馆里打发时光。

    In the afternoon , many ordered a cup of coffee and a plate of melon seeds to kill time in the cafe .