
  1. 国内受欢迎的香港明星周润发和台湾的周杰伦(他在电影版的《青蜂侠》中扮演助手加藤,在红毯上亮相宣传即将上映的影片),韩国的“万人迷”赵寅成、意大利女演员兼制片人MariaCucinotta也出席了仪式。

    Local favorites like Hong Kong star Chow Yun-fat and Taiwan 's Jay Chou , who played sidekick Kato in the movie version of " The Green Hornet " made appearances on the red carpet to promote upcoming films . South Korean heart-throb Zo In-sung , Italian actress and producer Maria Cucinotta also attended the ceremony .

  2. 之前,赵寅成由于基础医疗训练时期的压力患上了胃溃疡,曾经入院两次。但在这之后,他完成训练任务已经毫无问题了。(意译:但在这之后,他已经完全康复了。)

    In-Sung Zo had been to a medical office twice because he had a stomach ulcer caused by the stress during the basic medical training period but after that he finished the training without any trouble .