
  • 网络coffee capsule;espresso;K-cup
  1. 稻草,绳子,韩国袜子,咖啡胶囊,线,珠子。

    Straw , string , Korean socks , coffee capsule , wire , beads .

  2. Nespresso现在拥有175家精装店面。在这些店铺里顾客可以购买咖啡机、胶囊容器和其他的周边产品,也可以一边啜饮咖啡一边品味这种精致生活方式。

    Nespresso now has about 175 boutique storefronts where customers can buy machines , capsules and accessories , sip coffee and taste the lifestyle .

  3. 雀巢公司将咖啡装在胶囊里出售的想法曾经30年没有出路,现在它却价值数十亿。

    Nestl é' s idea of selling coffee in small pods went nowhere for three decades ; now it is worth billions .

  4. 受试者第一天服用咖啡因含量相当于四杯咖啡的咖啡因胶囊,然后第二天服用外观相同的含安慰剂的胶囊。

    Participants took capsules containing caffeine equal to about four cups of coffee on one day and then identical capsules that contained a placebo on another day .