
  • 网络Grinding coffee;moliendo cafe
  1. ChuckNorris用他的牙齿磨咖啡,然后用他的怒火把水煮开。

    Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage .

  2. 是的,它一定是用来磨咖啡豆。

    Yes , it must be used for grinding coffee beans .

  3. 许多人每天早上磨咖啡豆冲咖啡。

    Many people grind coffee beans each morning to make coffee .

  4. 他用磨咖啡机大致地拧出了一些钢丝刺

    Using a coffee grinder he crudely fashions some steel barbs .

  5. 如果是自己磨咖啡,要磨得精细些。

    If you are grinding your own coffee beans , grind them more finely .

  6. 清晨起来,一杯现磨咖啡可以让人精力充沛。

    A cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning .

  7. 我邻居有一台奇妙的机器,可以削土豆皮,把蔬菜切成小方块,制作油酥面团和磨咖啡。

    My neighbour has this weird and wonderful machine that can peel potatoes , dice vegetables , make pastry and grind coffee .

  8. 马克:在我工作的大学里,有一台自动贩卖机出售现磨咖啡,但我只买过一次。

    Mark : At my university , there 's a vending machine that makes fresh-ground coffee . I tried that , once .

  9. 你喜欢的那些东西:新鲜现磨咖啡的香味,黑巧克力的味道,还有辛苦一天后好好洗个热水澡;

    Treats which you enjoy - the smell of fresh coffee , the taste of dark chocolate , a long bath after a hard day ...

  10. 制作这种冰咖啡,得用上好的越南本土生长的深色现磨咖啡,把其单独煮好后,用金属制成的法式小滴滤壶,过滤进杯子里,加上咖啡一半量的甜炼乳,搅拌一下,加一点冰块。

    Ca phe da is made with finely ground Vietnamese-grown dark roast coffee , separately brewed with a small metal French drip filter into a cup containing about a half as much sweetened condensed milk , stirred and poured over ice .

  11. 买你能买得起的最好的咖啡--最好是新鲜的咖啡豆--并且往你的咖啡机里放你曾经放过的两倍的量,你的咖啡机也是特别买的,因为它有一个闹钟,可以调节开始磨咖啡的时间。

    Buy the absolute best coffee you can afford -- fresh beans are preferred -- and put twice the amount you 've been using into your coffee maker , the one you bought specifically because it has an alarm that can be set to start brewing times .

  12. 对26%的人来说,磨咖啡的声音会造成中度至极高水平的干扰,46%的人反映他们会因办公室里的宠物而分心,更多的人(53%)表示来访的儿童会造成中度至极高水平的干扰。

    The sound of coffee being made is a moderate to very high distraction for only 26 % , while 46 % said they were distracted by pets in the office ( which was less than the 53 % who reported moderate to very high distractions caused by visiting children ) .

  13. 我喜欢细磨的咖啡。

    I like coffee of a fine grind .

  14. 咖啡调理师不断端出一杯杯现磨的咖啡,我和这位神秘的女士畅谈到深夜。

    The barista kept sending out fresh mugs of coffee , and the mysterious lady and I talked long into the night .

  15. 其中更有咖啡店只销售信息烘焙、即磨的咖啡豆、特调综合和单品咖啡,向咖啡之上最高敬意。

    The best of them pay serious respect to coffee by serving only fresh-roasted and freshly ground beans , distinct blends and single-origin roasts .

  16. 现磨蓝山咖啡,英国红茶,可乐,雪碧,橙汁,桃汁,英式奶茶,进口红酒,英国威士忌,啤酒。

    Grinding Blue Mountain Coffee , English Tea , Coke , Sprite , Orange Juice , Peach Juice , English Milk Tea , Import Red Wine , English Whisky , Beer .

  17. 请给我磨一磅咖啡好吗?

    Would you please grind a pound of coffee for me ?

  18. 我给你磨了点咖啡

    I made you some coffee

  19. 她用新磨的浓缩咖啡加水混合作颜料,绘出深浅不一的阴影。

    She uses espresso shots straight out of the machine and mixes them with water to produce darker and lighter shades .

  20. 这种味道在阿拉比卡豆中比罗布斯塔豆中更明显,在冲煮好的咖啡中比磨好的咖啡粉中更容易辨认出来。

    It is more striking in arabicas than robustas and is more readily identifiable in the brew than in the ground beans .

  21. 你早上起床后,给自己来了杯福罗里达州产的橘子榨出来的橘子汁儿和一杯巴西咖啡豆磨出来的咖啡。

    You wake up in the morning , and you pour yourself juice from oranges grown in Florida and coffee from beans grown in Brazil .

  22. 当你一大早对着电脑时,往刚刚磨好的咖啡豆里加一点肉桂粉;或者试一下难以抗拒的肉桂烤苹果作为低热量点心吧。

    Sprinkle a little of the powder on freshly ground coffee beans when making your morning java , or try these irresistible Cinnamon Baked Apples for a low-cal dessert .