
mó kuànɡ jī
  • grinder
  1. 离心磨矿机单颗粒介质运动的计算机仿真

    Computer emulation of movement of individual particles in a centrifugal mill

  2. 论磨矿机的临界转速一文的讨论

    Discussion on " on the critical speeds of the tumbling mills "

  3. 立式磨矿机的工业性试验及生产实践

    The industrial test and operation practice of vertical grinding mill

  4. 立式螺旋搅拌磨矿机在工业中的应用

    The Application of the Vertical Spiral Agitating Mill in Industry

  5. 立式棒式搅拌磨矿机细磨电解二氧化锰的试验和应用

    Electrolysis of MnO_2 in Vertical Stirring and Grinding Mill & Its Application

  6. 离心磨矿机分批产品粒度分布模型研究

    Study on the Size Distribution Model of Batching Product of Centrifugal Mill

  7. 降低磨矿机能耗的有效途径

    On effective way of reducing energy consumption of milling pit

  8. 磨矿机物料运动分析及其功率计算

    The Motion Analysis of Material in Tumbling Mill and Its Power Calculation

  9. 离心磨矿机有用功率的试验研究

    The experimental research of the useful power of centrifugal mill

  10. 磨矿机液压滑差离合器软起动装置研究

    Study on smooth start device with hydraulic slip clutch in a mill

  11. 离心磨矿机合理装球量的研究

    The study of rational loading balls of centrifugal attritor

  12. 振动磨矿机试验测试及应用

    Laboratory test of vibrating grinding mill and its application

  13. 磨矿机筒体衬板的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Liners for Cylinder of Mill

  14. 减少磨矿机作业成本的探讨

    Exploration of lower production cost of grinding mill

  15. 湿式磨矿机橡胶衬板的研究

    Studies of Rubber Linings for Wet Grinding Mills

  16. 大型磨矿机软起动过程中起动时间对动载荷的影响

    Effect of the Soft Start Time of Large Grinding Mill on Its Dynamic Load

  17. 离心磨矿机介质运动分析

    The movement of medium in a centrifugal attritor

  18. 磨矿机中弹性工作介质的振动分析

    Vibration analysis of elastic media of grinding mill

  19. 浅议我国磨矿机质量现状和产品发展趋势

    A brief discussion on present situation of mill quality and future development trend in China

  20. 磨矿机衬板材料评述

    Comment on Shield Material of Ore Mill

  21. 磨矿机驱动系统的选择

    Selection of Drive System of Mill

  22. 立式离心磨矿机的研究

    Study on vertical centrifugal mill

  23. 搅拌型磨矿机应用与发展

    Application and Development of Attritor

  24. 磨矿机的开工率是高的。

    Mill availability is high .

  25. 立式螺旋搅拌磨矿机的研制及其在钼矿再磨擦洗作业中的应用

    The research and manufacture of vertical spiral agitating mill and lts Application in regrinding and scrubbing molybdenum ore

  26. 介绍了国内外铁基合金衬板和橡胶衬板的应用现状,指出磨矿机衬板材料应打破单一使用高锰钢的状况。

    It was benifit to use the rubber lining instead of the manganese steel lining in the ball crusher .

  27. 工业生产证明了立式螺旋搅拌磨矿机是一种性能优越的再磨、细磨设备。

    The industrial application has proven that vertical spiral agitating mill is regrinding and fine grinding equipment of excellent performance .

  28. 本文介绍了立式磨矿机在山东省乳山金矿的工业试验结果。

    This paper gives the results obtained in the industrial test of vertical grinding mills at Rushan Gold Mine , Shandong Province .

  29. 通过试验比较,离心磨矿机具有较高的碎矿效率。

    Through the comparative experiments , we can get that the efficiency of mineral breaking of the centrifugal mill is very high .

  30. 永平铜矿磨矿机降低钢球消耗的生产实践降低中速磨煤机制粉系统单耗途径分析

    Production Practice on Decreasing Steel Ball Consumption of Grinding Mill in Yongping Copper Mine Pulverizing System Unit Consumption Reducing Methods for Medium Pulverizer