
  1. 私营企业会计工作组织弱化的原因及对策

    The Reasons and Countermeasures of Weakening Accounting Organization in Private Corporation

  2. 论会计工作组织形式在地质调查管理中的运用

    On the Application of Organizational Form of Accounting in the Management of Geological Survey

  3. 铁路局直管站段体制下会计工作组织的突破

    Breakthrough of Accounting Work Organization under the System of Managing Stations and Depots by Railway Administration Directly

  4. 铁路局直管站段体制,铁路运输企业在会计工作组织上应有新突破。

    A new breakthrough is badly needed in the organization of accounting work of railway enterprises under the system of managing stations and depots by railway administration directly .

  5. 具体包括对绿色会计核算原则、工作组织、账户设置、环境会计要素的确认和会计信息披露规范化等。

    The paper gives the author 's ideas about checking principle of the green accounting , managing the work , setting the account , and furthermore elaborating how to solve the problems of environment .