
  • 网络accounting profession;ACCOUNTING AS A PROFESSION;Accounting;ACCOUNTANT;Careers in Accounting
  1. 合伙制与会计职业之间关系的几个基本问题

    Issues on the Relationship between Partnership and the Accounting Profession

  2. 良好的形象效应是会计职业的要求。

    Good image Effects are the basic requirements of the accounting profession .

  3. 高校会计职业道德教育问题的思考

    Thoughts on Accounting Professional Moral Education in the Colleges and Universities

  4. 设计的感性与理性思考对会计职业判断的理性思考

    Thinking of Reason and Emotion of Design On Accounting Professional Judgement

  5. 会计职业判断理论与运用研究

    The Study on the Theory and Application of Accounting Professional Judgment

  6. 浅谈会计职业判断在《或有事项》准则中的应用

    Application of Accountants ' Professional Judgment in the Probable Transaction Standard

  7. 本文在借鉴已有会计职业判断和绩效研究成果的基础上,对会计职业判断绩效及其影响因素进行了比较深入的探讨。

    The paper discusses accounting professional judgement Performance and its determinants .

  8. 对新形势下会计职业技能的思考

    Considerations about the Accountants ' Professional Skills under the New Situation

  9. 自发与强制:会计职业道德的特征

    Spontaneity and Constraint : the Characteristics of Professional Ethics of Accountants

  10. 会计职业判断的制度环境与道德风险

    The System Entironment of Accountant Professional Judgement and Moral Risk

  11. 中英会计职业道德规范比较

    A comparison of criteria on CPA professional ethics between China and UK

  12. 三个代表与会计职业道德

    Theory of " Three Represents " and Accountant Professional Morality

  13. 基于科学发展观的会计职业道德建设

    Professional Accounting Ethic Construction Based on Concept of Scientific Development

  14. 基于会计职业服务特性的营销策略研究

    On marketing strategy based on the Certified Public Accountant ′ s service

  15. 谈在校大学生会计职业道德建设

    Talking about the Construction of Accounting Professional Morality in University

  16. 加强会计职业道德与诚信教育的几点思考

    Ponderations on Strengthening Accountants ' Professional Morals and Credit Education

  17. 浅议当前会计职业道德的缺失及对策

    Discussion on the Current Deficiency of Professional Ethics of Accountants and Countermeasures

  18. 会计职业判断与会计政策选择问题

    Research on the judgment of accounting profession and the choice of accounting policy

  19. 谈中国会计职业的中介化及国际化发展

    The Development of the Agency-lization And Internationalization of Accounting

  20. 会计职业的历史考察与未来展望

    The History Investigation and Prospect of the Accountant Occupation

  21. 会计职业判断在新会计制度中的运用

    About the Application of Accounts ' Professional Judgement in the New Accounting System

  22. 第五部分探讨了解决会计职业道德缺失问题应从全面性上入手,并结合相关的调查问卷来进行论证,提出建立具有可操作性的会计职业道德体系。

    The fifth part puts forward to building the accounting professional ethics system .

  23. 会计职业道德建设应从本源抓起

    The Necessity of Building Accounting Ethics From Origin

  24. 浅议培养学生会计职业判断能力

    On Cultivation of Students ' Accounting Occupational Judgement

  25. 加强会计职业道德建设重塑会计诚信

    Remold Accounting Trust and Enhance Accounting Occupation Ethics

  26. 销售收入确认与会计职业判断

    Identification of Marketing Revenue Judgement of Accounting Profession

  27. 试析财会人员应如何提升会计职业判断能力

    Analysis on Staff of Financial Accounting how to Elevate Judgement Ability of Accounting Profession

  28. 会计职业道德教育在高等教育中的实施

    Conducting accounting professional morality education in higher education

  29. 从会计职业判断看会计信息质量

    Accountant Message Quality Perspective of Accountant Career Judgment

  30. 加强会计职业道德教育,提高会计信息制造者的素质;

    Enhancing the quality of accounting information makers ;