
  • 网络systematic investigation;systematic survey;System Survey
  1. 出行途中城市停车诱导信息系统调查&以南京市为例

    Methods for En Route Parking Guidance and Information System Survey in Nanjing

  2. 由于不景气的经济和超额的供给抑制了内需,根据中国房地产指数系统调查,中国国内新住房的价格在六月已经是连续第二个月下降。

    New-home prices in China dropped in June for a second straight month as a sluggish economy and excess supply has dampened domestic interest , according to the China Real Estate Index System Survey .

  3. 日照市10108例饮食从业人员HBsAg携带率及其e系统调查

    HBsAg carried rate and E system ── an investigation of 10108 cases of catering trade in Rizhao City

  4. 结合云南甘蔗生产实际,采用倒置W取样方法,系统调查云南省甘蔗生产区甘蔗田杂草,分析杂草区系和危害种群。

    The paper introduces the convert " w " sampling method to investigate systematically the weed in the sugarcane field and to analysis the weed population and main damaging population .

  5. 通过中国北方某城市近郊土壤环境质量的系统调查发现,本区土壤中重金属污染物的化学组成主要为Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、Se、Cd等;

    Based on a systematic investigation into the environmental quality of soils on the outskirts of a city , it has been found that the pollution of heavy metals in soils in the study area is mainly composed of Hg , Cu , Pb , Zn , Sn and Cd .

  6. 通过6a系统调查,在云南省香料烟主产区烟田内共发现7目31科88种昆虫和野蛞蝓、灰巴蜗牛2种软体动物危害云南冬春香料烟。

    In a six-year investigation carried out in tobacco fields in Yunnan , a total of 88 insect species belonging to 31 families , 7 orders , and 2 kinds of mollusc were found in the oriental tobacco fields .

  7. 云南民族村环境解译系统调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Environmental Interpretation System of Yunnan Ethnic Minorities , Village

  8. 创新思维来源于实践,应建立在系统调查研究的基础上;

    The thought of innovation originates from practice .

  9. 北京地铁车站导向标识系统调查分析

    Study on Marker System on Beijing Subway Stations

  10. 应用地理信息系统调查与管理大熊猫主食竹资源

    Approach for surveying and management of giant panda bamboo resources by means of GIS

  11. 系统调查梅园昆虫群落并对群落组织水平和时空生态位进行测定。

    The insect community in plum orchard was investigated on organization level and temporal-spatial niche .

  12. 必须通过系统调查,建立生态环境数据库和指标体系;

    Moreover , data base and index system should be set up after systematic investigation ;

  13. 通过田间系统调查和室内饲养观察,初步研究了白僵菌的自然发生规律。

    The natural occurrence patterns of Beauveria bassiana were investigated in both fields and laboratories .

  14. 毛竹笋用丰产林地下鞭根系统调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Underground Rhizome and Root System of Phyllostachys pubescens for Shoot and Timber

  15. 为了控制枣树害虫,作者采用系统调查方法,对太谷枣区的不同枣龄昆虫群落结构特征及其多样性进行了研究。

    ON THE INTEGRATED CONTROL OF AGRICULTURAL INSECT PESTS To control insect pests of jujube trees .

  16. 经系统调查,有50320人在抗洪抢险中接触疫水。

    After a systematic survey , 50 320 people were found having contacted with the infested water .

  17. 通过两年的系统调查,查明北京地区草坪地杂草有62种,分属22科。

    A total of 62 species of weed from 22 families were identified through 2 year systematic investigation .

  18. 许多系统调查指出,对于混合群体来说,60%的?媸峭ü?牛奶摄取的。

    Many systematic surveys show that milk provides 60 % of the total ?? for a mixed population .

  19. 近岸海域生态地球化学调查评价方法及内容探讨&海底沉积物-水-底栖生物系统调查评价

    Research for eco-geochemical investigation and evaluation in China ′ s coastal area & Investigation and evaluation for submarine sediments-water-organism system

  20. 目前,我国关于牡丹病害的系统调查和病原鉴定工作研究的较少。

    Currently , the studies on systematic investigation of peony diseases and pathogen identification is very little in our country .

  21. 聚落考古是基于区域系统调查对社会形态进行多层次的科学研究的一个新兴的考古学方法。

    Settlement archaeology is a newly rising archaeological method based on regional systematical investigation to scientifically research social form from multi-layer .

  22. 系统调查了河北南部两种不同类型杨树苗圃地下害虫昆虫群落结构组成。

    Soil-inhabiting pests community structure composition in two different type nurseries of poplar in the north of Hebei province was investigated .

  23. 通过系统调查和大田普查相结合的方法,研究明确了养蟹稻田稻飞虱的发生规律。

    The occurrence rules of rice planthopper in rice field with cultural crab was ascertained through systemic investigation and field census .

  24. 依据每7天的田间病叶率系统调查资料,绘制出了陕西渭北旱塬苹果黑星病的季节流行曲线,并建立了季节流行动态模型。

    Seasonal epidemic curve and function for apple scab were conducted according to the systematic data of the disease in orchard .

  25. 作者系统调查了山东省淄博市的蝗虫种类组成及区系分布。经鉴定共有7科21属27种(含亚种)。

    27 species of grasshoppers belonging to 7 families and 21 genera and its distribution in Zibo were reported in this paper .

  26. 以泰安药材站仓库为系统调查点,分析了不同时间序列上的群落数量特征。

    The Taian Traditional Chinese Medicine Station as the major survey , the insect community in different temporal sequences was studied systematically .

  27. 在田间系统调查基础上研究了合肥郊区甘蓝田节肢动物群落结构。

    Based on a systematic field investigation , the structure of arthropod communities in cabbage fields in the suburbs of Hefei was studied .

  28. 首次系统调查了猫儿山自然保护区的叶附生苔类植物区系。

    The epiphyllous liverworts of the Maoershan Nature Reserve of Guangxi Province were reported for the first time through field surveying and data refereeing .

  29. 本文系统调查了广西的自然条件与烟叶生产现状,分析了广西烟叶生产面临的有利条件与不利因素,并对广西烟叶生产的发展提出了若干建议。

    Nature condition and tobacco production in Guangxi were investigated comprehensively , then favorable and unfavorable factors of tobacco production in Guangxi were analyzed .

  30. 采用重点调查和定点定期系统调查的方法对新疆苜蓿褐斑病的发生及危害进行了研究。

    Using the method of major investigation and location and regular systematical investigation , the occurrence and harm of alfalfa leafspot in Xinjiang were investigated .