
  1. 光伏并网系统孤岛检测与防止

    Study on phase lead based islanding detection of grid-connected system

  2. 无功补偿技术在光伏并网发电系统孤岛检测中的应用

    Application of reactive power compensation on islanding detection of grid-connected PV system

  3. 因此,对分布式发电系统孤岛检测方法的研究具有现实意义。

    Islanding detection methods for distributed generation system are reviewed .

  4. 一种实用的组合式光伏并网系统孤岛效应检测方法

    A Practical Hybrid Islanding Detection Method for Grid-connected Photovoltaic System

  5. 用于单相分布式发电系统孤岛检测的新型电流扰动方法

    A Novel Current-Disturbing Method for Islanding Detection in Single-Phase Distributed Power Generation Systems

  6. 一种新的频率偏移技术在光伏并网发电系统孤岛检测中的应用

    Application of a New Phase-shift Technique on Islanding Detection of Grid-connection PV System

  7. 云广特高压直流输电系统孤岛运行的稳定控制措施

    Stability Control Strategies for ± 800 kV DC Transmission System From Yunnan to Guangdong Under Islanded Operation

  8. 提出一种利用无功补偿技术进行并网发电系统孤岛检测的方法,通过对负载电压频率的判断即可有效检测是否进入孤岛状态。

    A new method for islanding detection is presented , and the status of the islanding can be detected by the change of the frequency of the load voltage .

  9. 在以前,解决企业内部信息系统信息孤岛的问题通常是采用EAI的方式。

    Beforetime , the problem of " detached island of information " in enterprise information system is usually solved with the way of adopting EAI ( Enterprise Application Integration ) .

  10. 本文在分析了孤岛模式下微电网存在电能质量问题的基础上,提出了采用APF和SVC综合补偿系统改善孤岛运行时微电网的电能质量。

    Based on analyzing the power quality problems of the microgrid in the island mode , this paper proposes a combined system constructed by APF and SVC to enhance the power quality of the island microgrid .

  11. 结果表明:实验与仿真结果吻合,输出并网电流波形良好,和电网电压同频同相,基本上可以在100ms内有效地检测出系统的孤岛效应。

    The results prove : experiment is almost the same as the simulation , and the output wave of grid-connected current is better , and has the same frequency and phase as utility grid , and the islanding can be detected effectively within 100 milliseconds basically .

  12. 光伏发电系统及其孤岛效应的仿真与实验研究

    Simulation and Experiment Research of Photovoltaic Generation System and Its Islanding

  13. 分布式发电广域保护控制系统中孤岛划分算法的研究

    Research on Islanding Algorithm of Wide Area Protection and Control System for Distribution Network with DGs

  14. 阐述了该系统在孤岛油田推广以后的运行效果;该软件的编制采用了VC++程序设计语言,效果直观

    The software is created with VC + + programming language , with a good result of application

  15. 由于受当时信息技术条件限制,形成了一个个自动化子系统信息孤岛,造成人力及信息资源的浪费。

    Limited by the development of information technology , the system can not be organically inter-coordinated operations , and formed some automation subsystem information isolated-lands , resulting in waste of human and information resources .

  16. 论文提出的孤岛检测方案,为分布式发电系统的孤岛检测提供了一种新颖的有效的解决方案,对电力系统电能质量和供电可靠性的提高都具有重大的意义。

    So , this active islanding detection scheme provides a novel and effective approach for the islanding detection , and has great contributes to the improvement of power quality and power supply reliability of the distributed generating system .

  17. 分布式发电系统有源孤岛检测方法虽然灵敏度高,但不可避免地将引起系统的供电质量下降和系统的不稳定,而现有的无源孤岛检测方法都存在非检测区大的缺点。

    Although the active islanding detection methods have high sensitive , the power quality degrading and system unstability will have to be added to the system by them . And there are non-detection zones in all current passive islanding methods .

  18. SOA是一种日益成熟的软件体系结构,随着WEBService逐渐被广泛的采纳和实现,系统异构、孤岛应用得以彻底改观。

    SOA is an increasingly sophisticated software architecture . With the Web Service gradually been widely adopted and realized , the situation of heterogeneous systems and the application of isolated islands is radically changed .

  19. 对Agent系统结构的孤岛检测Agent、切换Agent、局部控制Agent(其中包括PQAgent和V/fAgent)进行了研究和设计,并设计各Agent模型参数。

    In the Agent system structure , islanding detection Agent , switching Agent , local control Agent ( including PQ Agent and V / fAgent ) along with the parameters was designed .

  20. 仿真并网系统正常、孤岛、短路等11种运行状态,采集各状态下并网点的三相电流信号,并在Matlab中实现特征提取。

    The simulation simulates eleven kinds of operating status , such as normal , islanding and a variety of short circuits . Collect the three-phase current signals of each state and extract the feature in Matlab .

  21. 同时,介绍了在光伏发电系统中的孤岛保护效应。4.设计了4Kw小型光伏并网发电系统,包括发电形式、阵列设计等,并对系统需要的设备:逆变器、光伏电池等进行了选择。

    Meanwhile , introducing the islanding protection effect of photovoltaic power generation system . 4.4 KW solar photovoltaic system was designed : system power form , array design etc ; inverter , solar photovoltaic panels , etc were chosen in this system . 5 .

  22. 单相光伏并网系统及其反孤岛策略的仿真研究

    Simulation Research of the Single-phase PV Grid-connected System and Its Islanding

  23. 因此,这种信息交互总线式设计方案有效的解决了配电系统的信息孤岛问题。

    Therefore , the information interactive bus-organized design scheme effectively solves the problem of the isolated information in power distribution system .

  24. 对孤岛效应的研究已经进行了二十余年,但大多数都是针对并网逆变器系统的反孤岛保护和测试展开,而没有对分布式发电系统的孤岛效应进行全面而系统的研究。

    Research on islanding related problems has been conducted for over twenty years , but most of them have focused on anti-islanding protection and test of grid connected inverter system .

  25. 分析林业信息系统中信息孤岛形成的原因,提出基于服务的数字林业数据管理平台体系结构。

    The reasons for the formation of isolated island in forestry information system were analyzed , and a service-oriented architecture of digital forestry data management platform was proposed in this paper .

  26. 1547.1的基础上,总结出反孤岛测试技术,并设计了基于小型风光蓄混合并网发电系统的反孤岛测试平台。

    1547.1 , and the islanding test circuit is designed for the small-scale wind / solar / battery hybrid power system which equipped with sandia frequency shift ( SFS ) method .

  27. 但由于理论框架和原有技术平台的不足,决策支持系统目前面临孤岛现象严重、结构僵硬、模块化差、生命周期短等问题。

    However , its deficiency in theoretical frame and original technical flat leads to many problems such as serious " information island ", stiff structure , bad modularization , short life circle , and so on .

  28. 随着企业经营环境的快速变化,企业通过建立信息系统消除信息孤岛,加快企业业务运转,建立产业链一体化的经营模式。

    With the rapid change of the enterprise business environment , many companies eliminate lonely island of information , speed up the business operation and establish a chain of integrated business model through setting up the information system .

  29. 为消除公司各系统之间的信息孤岛问题,使它们能够进行实时的交互,采用WEBService技术为各系统建立查询接口方便其他系统查询调用。

    In order to eliminate the problem of information islet in different systems , make them real-time interaction each other , adopt Web Service technology to construct inquiring interface and make inquire and call in other system conveniently .

  30. PDM系统作为各个信息孤岛的桥梁将CAD/CAPP以及ERP系统有机地集成到一起,使CAD与CAPP自动为ERP提供准确、完整、规范的数据,因此,PDM模块是ERP成功实施的关键。

    PDM , as a bridge between each information isolated islands , combines CAD / CAPP with ERP system , so that CAD and CAPP can automatically supply ERP with accurate data . PDM mode is the key of ERP 'S success .