
  • 网络SOC;System on Chip
  1. 高级信号处理系统单芯片实现中的IP复用技术

    Realization of Advanced Signal Processing System with IP Reuse Technology

  2. 但是由于片上系统单芯片集成了大量的模拟电路和数字逻辑电路,内部时钟频率也非常高,因此导致电路噪声偏大,影响模数转换器的性能。

    As a result of integration of analog and digital circuit with high frequency operation on a single die , high frequency noise is the significant source to degrade the performance of analog-to-digital converter .

  3. 随着微电子技术的进步,现场可编程门阵列FPGA发展迅速。目前FPGA正以其超大规模单芯片容量和硬件电路高速并行运算能力,越来越多的被用作各种规模的系统集成单芯片解决方案。

    With the development of micro-electronics technology , Field Programmable Gate Array - FPGA is increasingly applied to single chip solutions of system integration with grand capability on single chip and high speed parallel calculation ability .

  4. 设计了在激光测高系统中基于单芯片现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的高精度时间间隔测量模块。

    A high-resolution flight time measurement system based on a single field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) in laser altimeter is designed .

  5. 本课题所设计和实现的信道盲均衡器,为FPGA芯片设计技术做了有益的探索性尝试,对今后无线通信系统中的单芯片可编程系统(SOPC)的设计运用有着积极的借鉴意义。

    This thesis investigates the design technologies of Field Programable Gate Array ( FPGA ) by means of designing and implementing blind equalizer . It provides preliminary study for large scale SOPC ( System on Programmable Chip ) in wireless communication system field .

  6. 在控制系统的PWM输出功能中,实现了针对PAT系统需求的单芯片控制双电机的数字PID改进算法,并进行了数字PID控制参数选择的讨论。

    In the PWM output function of the control system , it implements the improved digital PID algorithm on two motors with only one chip . At the same time , the parameter of the digital PID controller is discussed in the paper .

  7. 通过对这些技术的分析及所提出来的新方法的改进,可以有效提高DMB接收系统的性能并降低系统功耗和成本,对DMB系统ASIC单芯片解决方案有巨大意义。

    By the analysis of these technologies and the improvement of new methods , we can enhance the performance of DMB receiver system and reduce the cost efficiently . This has great significance to ASIC solution of DMB system .