
  1. 因为天文学家发现了第一个富含碳的系外行星,其大气中碳含量远超过氧含量,而非太阳系的1:2碳氧比。

    Because astronomers have found the first carbon-rich exoplanet , with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere & instead of the1 to2 carbon to oxygen ratio found in our solar system .

  2. 因为天文学家发现了第一个富含碳的系外行星,其大气中碳含量远超过氧含量,而非太阳系的1:2碳氧比。

    Because astronomers have found the first carbon-rich exoplanet , with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere - instead of the 1 to 2 carbon to oxygen ratio found in our solar system .

  3. 这是一个有最高解析度,世上最精确的光谱仪,叫做HARPS。这实际上是用于探测太阳系外行星,和恒星大气中的声波。

    This is the number one high resolution , most precise spectrograph on this planet , called HARPS , which is actually used to detect extrasolar planets and sound waves in the atmospheres of stars .

  4. 再来你必须说服整个世界,你的确侦测到像这样的物质,在太阳系外行星的宿主恒星大气中,在离这里100秒差距的地方。

    And then you have to convince the whole world that you have actually detected something like this in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet host star somewhere in100 parsec away from here .