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  1. Graves病合并白细胞减少患者血清对骨髓细胞粒-单核细胞系集落形成单位生长的影响

    Effect of serum from patients with Graves ′ disease on colony forming unit-granulocyte monocyte

  2. 人粒系集落刺激因子(hG-CSF)cDNA于PRPL启动子作用下在大肠杆菌中的表达

    Expression of human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor cDNA in E. coli under the action of p_rp_lpromoter

  3. 目的了解真性红细胞增多症(PV)患者内源性红系集落(EEC)生长情况及其临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the growth of endogenous erythroid colony ( EEC ) in polycythemia vera ( PV ) patients and its clinical significance .

  4. 目的:观察粒系集落刺激因子(G-CSF)对进展型多发性硬化(MS)患者造血干细胞动员效果及安全性。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy and safety of hematopoietic stem cell mobilization by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ( G-CSF ) in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis ( MS ) .

  5. 目的探讨Graves病(GD)患者血清成分对骨髓细胞粒单核细胞系集落形成单位(GMCFU)生长的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of serum component from patients with Graves ′ s disease ( GD ) on the growth of colony forming unit granulocyte monocyte ( GM CFU ) .

  6. 粒系集落刺激因子对急性髓系白血病原代细胞mdr1基因表达的调节作用

    Effect of Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor on Modulation of mdr 1 Gene Expression in Primary Cells of Human Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia

  7. 分析11例重组人类促红细胞生成素对尿毒症透析患者骨髓有核红细胞和红系集落形成单位(CFU-E)的影响。

    The influence of rHuEPO on bone marrow erythroblast and CFU-E in 11 uremic patients on dialysis was studied .

  8. 目的观察供者使用粒系集落刺激因子(GCSF)后供髓对异基因骨髓移植受者造血重建及移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)发生的影响。

    Objectives In order to investigate the influence of donor marrow stimulated with lenograstim ( G CSF ) on hemotopoietic reconstitution and incidence of GVHD in the patients undergoing allogeneic bone marrow transplantation ( Allo BMT ) .

  9. 粒系集落刺激因子与急性早幼粒细胞白血病关系的研究

    A Study on the Relationship between G-CSF and Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

  10. 粒系集落刺激因子在恶性淋巴瘤治疗中的作用

    Effect of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in the Treatment of Lymphoma

  11. 国产红细胞生成素对人体胎肝细胞形成红系集落的刺激作用

    Effects of EPO on Erythroid Colony Forming Ability of Human Fetal Liver Cells

  12. 系集科研、生产、贸易为一体的经济实体。

    Set of scientific research , production and trade as one economic entity .

  13. 本文采用体外甲基纤维素长期培养观察脐血(又称胎盘血)粒单系集落形成单位(CFU&GM)生长情况。

    Growth condition of umbilical cord blood ( UB ) CFU-GM was observed by long-term culture in methylcellulose .

  14. GM960A型仪表系集数字信号处理技术和现代计算机技术于一身的新一代电参量综合测量仪表。

    Using the digital signal processing techniques and the modern computers , GM960A is a new device measuring the electrical parameters .

  15. 粒系集落刺激因子、供体异基因移植物中Ⅱ型树突状细胞与造血干细胞移植的相关性研究

    Study of the Relationship between Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor ( G-CSF ) Together with Type 2 Dendritic Cells ( DC2 ) in Donor Grafts and the Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

  16. 结果:单次照射后第10天,混合线组对该细胞系集落形成的抑制作用明显弱于单中子及单光子组。

    Results : The inhibition effect of the clone forming was weaker in the groups of mixed beam than that in the group of fast neutron and photon alone after 10 days .

  17. 脐带血CD34+细胞及其亚群的增殖分化能力明显高于骨髓和外周血,可形成更多的各系造血集落和维持更长久的造血活动。

    More hematopoietic colony formation from cord blood than that from bone marrow or peripheral blood was observed .

  18. 对有向三元系超大集(OLDTS)的存在性进行了讨论。

    The existence of the overlarge sets of directed triple systems ( OLDTS ) is investigated .

  19. Mendelsohn三元系大集(LMTS)是一类有向设计的大集,它的存在性问题已完全解决。

    Large set of pairwise disjoint Mendelsohn triple systems ( LMTS ) is a kind of large set of oriented design .

  20. 石炭系储集条件良好,孔隙度为5.01%~7.78%,平均渗透率为2.5×10-3μm2,有效储层厚度14.7~30.35m,分布较稳定,储层类型为裂缝&孔隙型;

    The storage condition is good , porosities being 5.01 % ~ 7.78 % , average permeability 2.5 × 10 - 3 μ m 2 and effective reservoir thicknesses 14.7 ~ 30.35 m ; the distribution of the reservior bed is stable and it belongs to the porous fractured one ;

  21. 古地貌分析在渤海古近系储集层预测中的应用

    Palaeo-geomorphology analysis for the Paleogene reservoir prediction in Bohai Sea area

  22. 有序三元系超大集的进一步结果

    The Further Results on Overlarge Sets of Oriented Triple Systems

  23. 黄骅坳陷下第三系储集砂岩的岩石学特征济阳坳陷石炭&二叠系沉积及成岩演化

    Petrologic characteristics of the reservoir sandstones of the Eogene system in Huanghua Depression

  24. 运用测井约束反演技术,对上第三系储集层的空间展布进行了分析和描述。

    The spatial arrangement of these Neogene reservoirs can be analyzed and described by using a logging - constrained inversion technique .

  25. 区内储集岩发育,石炭二叠系储集层以低孔隙度、低渗透率为特征,石炭系储集层主要为潮坪泻湖相沉积的碎屑岩,二叠系储集层为一套河流相粗碎屑岩;

    Reservoir is very developed in the area , Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs have the characteristic of low permeability and low porosity , Carboniferous reservoir mainly is clastic sedimentary of tidal-flat and lagoon , Permian reservoir is a set coarse clastic rocks of fluvial facies .

  26. LAK细胞对粒单系祖细胞集落产率的影响

    Effects of LAK Cells on the Colony Formation of CFU-GM

  27. 现代医学认为真红患者的红系爆式集落形成单位(BFU-E)及红系集落形成单位(CFU-E)与正常人水平相近甚至更高一些。

    Modern medicine has proved that BFU-E and CFU-E of PV is similar as or higher than normal level .

  28. 采用离子对反相高效液相色谱法(IPrHPLC)的单液等度洗脱,测定了小鼠骨髓红系爆增性集落形成单位(BFU-Es)与红系集落形成单位(CFU-Es)的PRPP合成酶活性。

    The PRPP synthetase activity in BFU Es and CFU Es from bone marrows of mice was estimated by ion pair reversed phase HPLC ( IPr HPLC ), using isocratic elution .

  29. 观察各组外周血象变化、骨髓细胞凋亡、细胞增殖周期、骨髓病理变化、骨髓造血粒系祖细胞集落(cFUGM)以及基质细胞集落(CFU-F)计数。

    Peripheral leukocyte , platelet , erythrocyte counts , apoptosis and cell cycle of bone marrow cells ( BMC ), pathologic change of bone marrow and numbers of GM_CFU and F_CFU were observed .

  30. 方法:选用脐带血单个核细胞,加入适量红毛五加多糖,观察长期液体培养系统中粒、单系祖细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)的活性。

    Methods : AGP was added to single nuclear cells from human umbilical cord blood and the activity of granulo - macrophage colony-stimulating factor ( GM-CSF ) in long-term culture system was observed .