
  • 网络system effectiveness;Performance;system performance
  1. SEA方法也适用于其它领域的系统效能分析。

    SEA method is also suited to other system effectiveness analysis .

  2. 基于AHP和ANP作战飞机系统效能评估

    Research about Aeroplane System Effectiveness Evaluation based on AHP and ANP

  3. 法医线粒体DNA检测的系统效能及应用价值

    The System Performance and Value of Forensic Mitochondrial DNA Typing

  4. 数值SEA算法及其在反隐身防空系统效能分析中的应用

    Applying Numeric SEA Algorithm for the Analysis of Anti - stealth - air - defense System

  5. 基于AHP算法的相控阵雷达系统效能评估

    Efficiency Evaluation Based on AHP Algorithm for Phased Array Radar System

  6. 基于AHP的舰空导弹武器系统效能分析

    Application of hierarchy analysis in operational effectiveness evaluation of missile weapon operational system

  7. 基于控制论的SCA武器系统效能评估方法

    Operational Effectiveness Evaluation Method for SCA Weapon Systems Based on Cybernetics

  8. 基于AHP和模糊评价法的C~3I系统效能评估

    C ~ 3I System Efficiency Evaluation Based on AHP and Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation Method

  9. 模糊AHP法及其在电子战系统效能评估中的应用

    The application of fuzzy AHP method in the efficiency evaluation of the electronic war system

  10. 基于SEAS方法的C~4ISR系统效能评价

    Study on Effectiveness Evaluation of C ~ 4ISR System based on SEAS

  11. 基于ADC模型对通信系统效能的评估方法

    Efficiency Evaluation of Battlefield Communication Systems Based on ADC Model

  12. 基于ADC法的武器系统效能评估研究

    Research on Effectiveness Assessment of Weapon Systems Based on ADC

  13. 基于ADC模型的某雷达干扰系统效能分析

    Radar Jamming System Effectiveness Analysis based on ADC Model

  14. 改进ADC法的C~4ISR系统效能评估

    The Effectiveness Evaluation of C ~ 4ISR System Based on the Improved ADC Method

  15. 基于D-S证据推理的C~3I系统效能评估

    Analysis on the Efficiency of C ~ 3I System Based on the D-S Evidential Theory

  16. 基于模糊回归分析的C3I系统效能评估方法研究

    Research of Efficiency Evaluation of C3I System Based on Method of Fuzzy Regression Analysis

  17. 过氧化氢(H2O2)降解系统效能的下降可能是水分胁迫下叶片中发生氧化伤害的原因。

    Decline in the efficacy of the H2O2 decomposing system is probably responsible for oxidative damage occurring in water stressed leaves .

  18. 为了保证武器装备的战斗力,建立了基于可靠性、维修性和保障性(RMS)的系统效能评估模型。

    For assurance of weapons combat efficiency , an evaluation model is set up based on the reliability , maintainability and supportability ( RMS ) .

  19. 用于系统效能分析的WSEIAC模型及其扩展

    WSEIAC Model and Its Extension for System Effectiveness Analysis

  20. 首次提出能力矩阵在指标的权重采用层次分析法给出的基础上,应用模糊Petri网进行分析研究,提出了模糊Petri网进行系统效能分析时的规则,并给出了相应的算法。

    We have gained the capacity matrix through fuzzy Petri net based on gained the power assignment employed AHP for the first time . In the paper we give out the detail rules and algorithm .

  21. 在厌氧/缺氧(A/A)SBR反应器中,考察了进、出水硝氮质量浓度对反硝化除磷系统效能的影响。

    The effects of nitrate concentration of the influx and effluent on phosphorus removal system performance are studied in the anaerobic / anoxic sequencing batch reactor ( A / A SBR ) .

  22. 基于WSEIAC模型的某型舰炮武器系统效能评估

    Assessment for Effectiveness of a Certain Type of Naval Gun Weapon System Based on WSEIAC Model

  23. 再入作战飞行器系统效能评估指标体系,以ADC方法为基本框架,基于WSEIAC模型建立。

    A system effectiveness evaluation model for the re-entry aircraft was established on the basis of the frame of ADC method and the WSEIAC concept .

  24. 根据射击效能准则,对美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会(WSEIAC)的效能模型进行了推广。

    According to the rule of shooting effectiveness , the WSEIAC effectiveness model was extended in this paper .

  25. 利用随机过程理论中的马尔可夫过程理论,采用美国工业武器系统效能咨询委员会(WSEIAC)提出的ADC效能模型,建立了系统的效能评估模型。

    Using Markov process theory of random process theory and adopting ADC efficiency model proposed by WSEIAC of USA , the paper establishes efficiency evaluation model of the system .

  26. 采用美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会提出的ADC模型,对某型便携式防空导弹武器系统拦截巡航导弹的作战效能进行了详细的数学建模和分析计算,并得出了计算结果。

    The paper gives the detailed mathematical model and particularly analyzes and calculates the operational effectiveness of one portable air defense missile weapon system intercepting cruise missiles with ADC model produced by WSEIAC , and derives the calculate result .

  27. 阐述效能的基本定义及其分类,根据效能准则依照Delphi法建立了综合航空电子系统效能评估的指标体系,将系统效能分解为各个底层指标。

    The basic definition and classification are expounded . Based on effectiveness rules , the index system to evaluate the effectiveness of integrated avionics system is established according to Delphi method , and the system effectiveness is converted into basic indexes .

  28. 通过计算被评估系统效能的模糊数,将问题转化为模糊数的排序问题,并给出了采用该方法对防空C3I系统效能评估的模型及实现步骤。

    The question of system effectiveness evaluation turns into the taxis of fuzzy number by calculating its fuzzy value , and the implementation steps to evaluate antiaircraft C3I system effectiveness is described .

  29. 介绍了武器系统效能分析的相关方法和DEA方法的基本原理,将DEA方法引入固定翼反潜巡逻机效能评价中,针对四种型号的固定翼反潜巡逻机进行了分析评估。

    In this article , the basic methods of effective analysis of weapon systems are introduced as well as the basic concepts of DEA method . Then the method is used in the analysis of four types of fixed-wing anti-submarine patrol aircraft as a sample .

  30. 然后根据Petri网建立了系统效能分析的动态模型和军事通信系统效能分析的TPN模型,并分析了该模型在军事通信系统效能分析中的优缺点。

    Then based on Petri net a dynamical model of system effectiveness evaluation and a TPN model of analyze military communication system effectiveness are established , and the merits and defects of this model using in analyze military communication system effectiveness are superficially discussed .