
  1. 创新军事航天领域工程硕士培养的探索

    Research and Practice of Engineering Master Training in Innovative Military Aerospace Industry

  2. 测试发射技术及其在军事航天中的应用与发展

    Development and Application of Test Launch and Control Technology in Military Aerospace

  3. 从南联盟战场看军事航天装备的地位与作用

    The Status and Function of Military Spaceflight Furnishment Through Yugoslavia Federation Battlefield 's Analyse

  4. 测控系统在未来军事航天作战中的应用

    The Application of Measurement and Control System in Military Space War of the Future

  5. 这将增强中国高科技商业出口的吸引力和军事航天装备的可信度。

    It will enhance the commercial attractiveness of its high-tech exports as well as the credibility of its aerospace military hardware .

  6. 并行分布式系统是计算机行业和日常生活中不断增长的应用领域,特别是在分布式计算、工业控制、军事航天领域、以及商务应用等。

    Parallel distributed system is widely used in many fields such as automation control , aviation , military affairs and business affairs .

  7. 近几年的几场局部战争部分表明了现代军事航天系统的重要性。

    It is fully demonstrated fron the several local area wars in recent years that the military aerospace system is of great importance .

  8. 分析了确立军事航天指挥体制的必要性及军事航天指挥体制的含义和特征;

    The paper makes certain thinking about the establishment of military space command system of PLA from the point of military operation command system .

  9. 军事航天任务在一体化联合作战中占有十分重要的地位,指挥决策是军事航天任务战指挥活动的核心。首先,给出了军事航天任务指挥决策的概念与特点;

    Military space mission plays an important role in integrative joint war , and the command decision-making is the core of command in military space mission .

  10. 研究美军、俄军航天部队组织体制的组织结构、职能划分、任务关系等对从事军事航天力量组织与建设都有借鉴意义。

    Researching the organization structure , function partition and assignment relation of U.S ~ ′ s and Russia ~ ′ s space army organization systems benefits for military space army organization and construction .

  11. 建立空间作战实验室,大力开展空间作战理论与军事航天技术仿真研究,对于未来谋求空间作战战略主动的重要性不言而喻。

    Construction of space operation lab ( SOL ) and research on the theory of space operation and military spaceflight simulate technology are very obviously important for the future stratagem priority of space operation .

  12. 文摘:在军事航天技术不断发展,军事理论不断变革的形势下,研究开发包含空间力量的作战模拟训练系统具有极大的现实意义。

    Abstract : with the continuous development of military space technology and the constant change of military theories , studying and developing the battle simulation training system including space force is of great current significance .

  13. 随着我国在航天技术上不断进步和军事航天的需要,卫星测控技术越来越受到各国的关注。

    With the development of aerospace techniques and the demand of military aerospace techniques , more and more country pays more attention to the Tracking , Telemetry and Command ( TT & C ) techniques of satellite .

  14. 军事航天技术的发展对地面作战模式带来巨大的变革,开展天地一体作战建模仿真研究对未来军事斗争准备具有重要意义。

    The development of military aerospace technology has brought great evolution to the mode of ground combat . Study on the modeling and simulation of space-ground integrated combat has very important significance to the preparation of future military warfare .

  15. 分析了军事航天力量在未来高技术战争中的地位、作用,以及世界航天大国天军建设的现状,提出了我军建设航天力量的基本思路。

    Based on analysis of the important role of space force in future high technology war , and study on status of space force developing of the main space countries in the world , the main idea to build the space force of our country is presented .

  16. 目前DSP在通信领域、消费电子、工业控制、军事以及航天等领域都得到广泛的应用,这些领域技术的不断发展也对DSP的性能提出越来越高的要求。

    Now DSP has been widely used in domains such like communication , consumption electronic , industry control , military radar , spaceflight and so on . With the development of technology of these domains , more advance DSP processores are required .

  17. 混合集成电路是军事/航天电子装备的重要基础元件,军用HIC的相关技术是保证半导体IC芯片的品质,解决散热问题,实现产品的高稳定、高可靠。

    HIC 's are very important basic devices for military and space equipment . They are highly dependent on the good quality of naked chips , perfect heat elimination , high stability and high reliability .

  18. GNSS卫星导航定位技术在测绘、通信、军事、航天、电力、遥感等领域得到了广泛的应用。

    The navigation and position technology based on Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) are widely used in mapping , telecommunication , military products , astronavigation , electric power , remote sensing and so on .

  19. CCD(电荷耦合器件)是目前应用较广的光电成像器件,因其优异的成像性能,使CCD图像采集系统在军事,航天,医疗,化工等领域有着广泛的应用。

    At present , CCD ( Charged-coupled device ) is one of the most widely used electro-optical imaging devices . Because of its excellent imaging performance , image acquisition system based on CCD is also widely applied in many fields such as military , aircraft , medicine , chemical industry .

  20. 随着数字集成电路的广泛应用,金属一氧化物一半导体场效应(MOSFET)器件和MOS集成电路在军事,航天,核技术等特殊环境下的应用越来越多,其可靠性要求也越来越高。

    With the vast applications of the digital integrated circuits , Metal-Oxide-Silicon Field Effect Transistor ( MOSFET ) devices and integrated circuits have been used widely in the military , space flights and nuclear environments , then the device reliability have became more and more important .

  21. 军事/航天应用:加速推动光纤连接器的发展

    Military / Aerospace Applications : Strong Driver of Optical Fiber Connectors

  22. 固体推进剂是军事和航天技术的重要领域,一直为国内外研究者所重视。

    Solid propellant is an important research field of military affairs and spaceflight technology .

  23. 也被寄希望在军事和航天等辐射环境下工作。

    They are expected to perform in the radiation environment of military and astronautic domains .

  24. 高性能服务器的应用领域越来越广,目前已经广泛应用于银行、军事、航天、气象服务等领域。

    High-performance server has been widely used in banking , military , aerospace , meteorological services and other fields .

  25. 开发性能优良的低温锂离子电池对于军事与航天事业的发展意义重大。

    It is important to develop low temperature lithium ion battery with excellent performance for military and aerospace industry .

  26. 在军事、航天工业以及民用工业方面所起的作用越来越大。

    They play an important role in more and more fields , including military , aviation industry and daily industry .

  27. 随着生产技术和加工工艺的不断发展,在通讯、精密加工、军事和航天航空等领域,微小角度测量技术也在不断研究和发展。

    With the development of science and technology , micro-angle measurement technique is constant researching and developing in precision machining , aerospace and other fields .

  28. 它不光应用在了生产生活和教育科研中,也走进了军事、航天等领域。

    It not only be used in industrial production , daily life , education and scientific research , but also be used in military and aviation .

  29. 目前燃料电池已经广泛应用于军事和航天领域,也有大型的燃料电池发电站在并网运转。

    The fuel cell has been widely used in military and aerospace field , some large-scale fuel cell power plants are running in the power grid too .

  30. 为满足军事和航天等高可靠系统的需求,探索高相干光源随机跳模的抑制方案具有迫切的现实意义。

    To match the demands of high reliability in military and space system , it is practically urgent to explore mode-hopping suppression scheme for high coherence light source .