
  • 网络Intelligence reconnaissance;elint
  1. 基于多Agent的战场情报侦察仿真模型

    Multi-Agent-based Simulation Model of Battlefield Intelligence Reconnaissance

  2. 未来的战场,实际就是电子情报侦察的较量,因此,开展对JTIDS的分析和研究很有必要。

    In the future , the battle is actually bout of elint and reconnaissance .

  3. 无源探测和定位系统属于电子情报侦察/电子支援系统,是电子战(EW)系统的一个重要组成部分。

    Passive detector and location system belongs to the electronic detector / aiding system , which is an important part of Electronic War ( EW ) System .

  4. C4ISR系统的构成包括:全球战略指挥控制系统、情报侦察监视系统、战术区域数字通信系统和三军联合战术通信系统。

    The C ~ 4ISR system is composed of global strategy command and control system ; intelligence reconnaissance and monitoring system ; tactics area digital communication system ;

  5. 电子情报侦察系统(ELINT)的接收机接收到的雷达辐射源信号是时间、空间相对位置、多种复杂调制和传播途径上大气传播效应影响的函数。

    The emitter radar signal received by electronic intelligence system ( ELINT ) receivers is the function of time , relative space position , various complex modulation and the atmospheric propagation effect , etc.

  6. 日本天基情报侦察系统发展分析

    Analysis of the Development of Japan 's Space-based Intelligence Reconnaissance Systems

  7. 印度情报侦察装备的现状与未来发展

    Indian Intelligence Reconnaissance Systems : Current Development Status and Future Trends

  8. 多激光威胁源情报侦察中的信号分选问题浅析

    Brief Analysis of Signal Selection in Multi-Threat Sources Intelligence Reconnaissance

  9. 情报侦察数据融合技术的几个问题

    Some questions of data fusion techniques in intelligence reconnaissance system

  10. 战场情报侦察系统的现状前瞻及发展建议

    The Status of Foreign Battlefield Information Surveillance System

  11. 雷达辐射源信号检测是现代电子情报侦察系统中的关键技术。

    Radar emitter signal detection is a key technology in modern electronic intelligence systems .

  12. 战场图像情报侦察处理技术及其发展

    Battlefield image information processing technology and development

  13. 一位参观者问希拉?马丁,为什么她认为妇女愿意做情报侦察员。

    A visitor asked missus Martin why she thought women would work as intelligence agents .

  14. 在现代高技术战争中,炮兵战场情报侦察处理具有十分重要的作用;

    In the modern high technology war , the artillery recon information disposal has very important function .

  15. 电子战接收机是电子情报侦察体系中的重要组成部分。

    EW ( Electronic Warfare ) receiver is a greatly important part of the electronic intelligence reconnaissance systems .

  16. 为此,本文提出了情报侦察系统能力建模与能力关系分析方法研究。

    For this , this paper presents Capability Modeling and Capability Relationship Analysis of Intelligence and Reconnaissance System .

  17. 同时,对日本天基情报侦察系统装备情况及其可能达到的水平也作了简略的阐述。

    The equipment of Japan 's space-based intelligence reconnaissance system and its possible technical level are also discussed .

  18. 战场网络情报侦察作为网络战的重要组成部分,成为新兴的研究领域。

    As an important part of network ware , the battlefield network intelligence reconnaissance becomes a new research field .

  19. 目前,各级情报侦察部门收集汇总的大量分析报告主要采用传统的处理方式进行分析利用。

    At present , traditional methods is the main method to analyses intelligence report which collected by intelligence departments during wartime .

  20. 在分析中频解调原理的基础上,讨论了雷达情报侦察系统中脉内调制特性的分析方法。

    Based on the discussion of the theory and methods of IF demodulation technology , this paper analyses the intrapulse modulation characterisitics .

  21. 它可以广泛用于炮兵射击训练、陆军的情报侦察与战场监视以及海军的中远程监视。

    It can be widely applied to artillery fire training , army intelligence reconnaissance and battlefield surveillance as well as naval medium-range surveillance .

  22. 在电子情报侦察和对抗领域,对复杂信号的脉内调制特征进行分析显得越来越重要。

    In the electronic reconnaissance and countermeasure field , it is more and more important to analyze the in-pulse character of complicated signals .

  23. 在复杂的背景中检测出感兴趣的目标,是情报侦察、战场监视和自动目标识别领域的一个重要课题。

    It is an important subject in information scout , battlefield surveillance and automatic target recognition to detect interesting objects from complicated background .

  24. 用分布交互仿真技术实现情报侦察数据融合系统的仿真是本文的主要工作内容。

    It is the main task to realize the simulation of " Intelligence Reconnaissance and Data Fusion System " using distributed interactive simulation technology .

  25. 便携式战场侦察雷达已被世界各国广泛应用于战场情报侦察、边境和敏感区域监视等任务中,其主要用途是对指定地区的活动目标进行探测。

    Portable battlefield reconnaissance radars have been widely used in many countries for moving target detection at battlefield , frontier and some important areas .

  26. 前不久还在负责美国空军情报侦察活动的退休将军大卫•德普杜拉赞同这种观点。

    David Deptula , a retired general who was until recently in charge of the US Air Force 's intelligence and surveillance operations agrees .

  27. 在军事领域中可靠、精确地跟踪目标,长期以来始终是情报侦察系统地主要目的之一。

    For a long time , In the military sphere , reliable , accurate target tracking is always the main purpose of intelligence and reconnaissance systems .

  28. 军事通信、指挥控制、预警探测、情报侦察、导航定位和武器制导等系统都要依靠这一有限的资源。

    Martial communications , Command control , Forewarning exploration , Information reconnaissance , Navigation orientation and Weapon control , all of that depend on the limited resources .

  29. 随着雷达情报侦察设备对测向精度要求的日益提高,测向接收机的作用日益凸显。

    With the raise of the request of direction finding precision of radar intelligence reconnaissance equipment , the affection of direction finding receiver reveals day by day .

  30. 雷达辐射源信号识别是整个雷达对抗信号处理中的关键性过程,是现代电子情报侦察系统和电子支援系统的重要组成部分。

    Recognition of the radar emitter signal is the key of signal processing in radar countermeasure and an importance part of electronic intelligence system and electronic support system .