
  • 网络Intelligence Analysis;information analysis;intelligence analyst
  1. 如何有效地集成Web数据,为中小型企业提供完善的市场情报分析支持,具有相当重大的意义。

    How to effectively integrate Web data to provide support for market intelligence analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises has considerable significance .

  2. deepweb数据集成至今仍然是一个研究热点,deepweb数据集成可以对Web数据进行有效整合,为电子商务、市场情报分析、舆情分析等应用提供支持。

    Until now , Deep Web data integration is still a hot research topic . Deep Web data integration can effectively integrate data of the Web , and it can support for e-commerce , market intelligence analysis and public opinion analysis .

  3. Web数据集成可以实现对Web数据的有效整合,为市场情报分析等应用提供支持。

    Web data integration can achieve the effective integration of Web data .

  4. 基于SWOT竞争情报分析方法的高校战略选择研究

    Study on Strategic Choices of Colleges Based on the Competitive Intelligence Analytic Method of SWOT

  5. N-氧化吡啶-2-甲醛类Schiff碱配合物的情报分析

    Information Analysis on Complexes of Schiff Bases Containing Picolinaldehyde N-Oxide

  6. 如何准确、有效的集成海量高价值的Web信息,对于诸如市场情报分析、舆情分析、商业智能等分析型应用尤为重要,具有非常重要的应用价值和现实意义。

    How to integrate large-scale and high-value Web information accurately and efficiently is particularly important for such analytical applications as market intelligence , public opinion analysis and business intelligence and has good application effect and broad prospects .

  7. 基于WSR的军事情报分析

    Military Intelligence Analysis Based on WSR

  8. 在对SWOT分析方法简介之后,解析了企业如何应用SWOT方法进行情报分析,从而在情报竞争战略中作到知己知彼。百战百胜。

    After a brief introduction of SWOT analytical methods , the paper has explained ways to undertake SWOT information analysis for an enterprise , so as to know oneself and each other in information competition strategy .

  9. 同时研究了战略成本管理中竞争情报分析的主要内容和方法,介绍了戴尔公司(DELL)应用竞争情报进行战略成本管理的成功案例。

    And it researches mostly content and measure of competition information analysis in stratagem cost management , then it introduces successful case of carrying through stratagem cost management of application of competition information about DELL .

  10. 德克萨斯一家私营情报分析公司(Stratfor)副总裁彼德.泽汗说,所有入主白宫的新总统都会发现,其实,他们的选择有限。

    Peter Zeihan , Vice President of Analysis for Stratfor , a Texas-based private intelligence and analysis company , says all presidents entering the White House find their options are limited .

  11. 论投资项目可行性研究中的竞争情报分析

    On Competitive Intelligence Analysis in the Feasibility Study of Investment Project

  12. 从系统论视角剖析情报分析研判系统

    Analysis of Intelligence Analysis and Assessment from Perspective of Systematic Theory

  13. 论禁毒情报分析控制论与信息情报

    About Analyzing Information of Fighting Drugs Cybernetics & Information and Intelligence

  14. 基于协同战略的情报分析与决策支持系统的设计

    Design of the Coordination Strategy-based Information Analysis and Decision Support System

  15. 指数平滑法在边防情报分析中的应用

    The Application of the Exponential Smoothing Methods on Border-control Intelligence Analysis

  16. 试论企业竞争力的情报分析模型

    Trial Discussion on Information Analysis Models of Enterprises ' Competitive Power

  17. 专利组合;专利分析;技术情报分析;

    Patent portfolio ; Patent analysis ; Technology information analysis ;

  18. 试析影响国家战略情报分析的因素

    Preliminary Analysis for the Factors of Influence on National Strategic Intelligence Analysis

  19. 本文认为可以把竞争战略差异度作为竞争情报分析工具之一。

    A tool of competitive intelligence analysis is presented in this paper .

  20. 近年来,竞争情报分析系统得到了飞速的发展。

    In recent years , enterprise competitive intelligence system has developed rapidly .

  21. 企业技术开发与情报分析决策服务

    Technology Development of Enterprises and Service of Information Analysis Decision

  22. 一种基于竞争要素的竞争情报分析框架

    An Analysis Framework of Competition Intelligence Based on Competition Factor

  23. 视频情报分析中一种运动对象检测的新方法

    A New Moving Object Detection Approach for General Video

  24. 从另一视角看西方国家情报分析类文献

    Research Literatures on Intelligence Analysis in Western Countries : Another Angle of View

  25. 通信侦察情报分析专家系统的设计

    Design of Information Analysis Expert System for Communications Recon

  26. 方法⑴文献回顾与情报分析。

    The methods include : ( 1 ) Document review and information analysis .

  27. 系统化的环境情报分析研究

    On the Establishment of an Enviromental Information Analysis System

  28. 基于数据挖掘技术的专利情报分析方法及实证研究

    Analysis of Patent Intelligence Based on Data Mining Technology

  29. 基于链接的企业网络人际竞争情报分析

    Network Human Competitive Intelligence Analysis Based on Hyperlink

  30. 对我国应诉反倾销的竞争情报分析

    China answering anti-dumping 's competitive information analysis