
má zuì kē
  • Department of Anesthesiology;anesthesiology department
  1. 麻醉科工作不同于普通内、外科,故麻醉查房有其自身的特点。

    Unlike internal medicine and surgery , interview for anesthesiology department has its own characteristics .

  2. 据医院骨科医生李莉介绍,医院对病患进行了优先处理,组织了输血科、骨科、急诊科、麻醉科等20多名医护人员。

    The hospital prioritized his case and organized more than 20 doctors and nurses from departments including blood transfusion , orthopedics , emergency and anesthesiology , according to Li Li , an orthopedist at the hospital .

  3. 四天之后,张奶奶成功地产下了一名健康的男童。此次剖腹产手术是由来自妇产科、麻醉科、ICU加护病房、一般内科和新生儿科五部门的医生联合进行的。

    Four days later , Zhang successfully gave birth to a healthy boy with the help of doctors from the departments of Gynecology and Obstetrics , Anaesthesia , Intensive Care Unit , General Medicine and Neonatal .

  4. 2工作日间均工作时数已近满负荷,若要进一步提高手术间的利用,需加强麻醉科和手术室力量。

    The power of anaesthesia department and operating room needs strengthen .

  5. 该研究由杜克麻醉科资助。

    The study was supported by Duke 's Department of Anesthesiology .

  6. 麻醉科住院医师的性别分布趋势:这要紧吗?

    Trends in gender distribution among anesthesiology residents : do they matter ?

  7. 眼科医院麻醉科建设的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasures in the construction of anesthesia department in ophthalmology hospital

  8. 骨科医院麻醉科用药及药物不良反应监测

    Anesthetic Drug Use and Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions in An Orthopedic Hospital

  9. 发挥麻醉科优势建设无疼痛医院

    Developing Advantage of Anesthesia Department and Constructing Painless Hospital

  10. 浅谈麻醉科的地位与对住院医师的培训

    The role of anesthesia division in standardized resident training

  11. 麻醉科七年制医学生临床教学相关问题探讨

    Discussion on some clinical training problems for students of seven-year program in anesthesiology

  12. 全军麻醉科现状的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Status Quo of Departments of Anesthesiology in Military Hospitals

  13. 麻醉科进修医生临床带教的体会

    Clinical teaching experience of refresher doctor of anesthetic department

  14. 我院拓宽麻醉科服务项目的探讨

    Discussion of our hospital 's expansion of services offered by the department of anaesthesiology

  15. 目的:探讨术后患者经麻醉科转入外科危重病房的原因。

    Objective : To explore the causes of118 postoperative patients transferred to surgical ICU .

  16. 麻醉科定点实习教学体会

    Experience in practice teaching of anaesthesia

  17. 这是一个为期3天的密集超声车间向麻醉科医生提供以往的经验与超声引导下神经阻滞。

    This is a3-day intensive ultrasound workshop offered to anesthesiologists who have prior experience with ultrasound-guided nerve blocks .

  18. 有效缓解疼痛,提高患者的生活质量,是麻醉科医生当前面临的主要课题。

    The main problem we have to face is to alleviate pain effectively and improve the quality of life of the patients .

  19. 结论老年白内障手术存在着一定的眼心反射发生的风险,眼科医师及麻醉科医师应高度重视。

    ( Conclusion ) Ophthalmologist and anesthetists should pay much more attention to the risk of oculocardiac reflex during senior cataract surgery .

  20. 结果:全科教师认真执行上述教学计划,注意实际与理论结合,麻醉科实习医生的临床和科研能力合格,达到一定水平,圆满毕业。

    Results : All faculties execute the plan carefully , and all the interns graduate with clinical and research ability as expected .

  21. 此外,应通知麻醉科,医院的风险经理,和病人家属的行政。

    Also , the chief of the anesthesia department , the hospital 's risk manager , and the patient 's family should be notified .

  22. 成员代表各种各样的起源,包括麻醉科、内科、神经学、神经外科、骨科手术,理疗学与精神病学。

    Members represent a variety of origins , including anesthesiology , internal medicine , neurology , neurosurgery , orthopedic surgery , physiatry , and psychiatry .

  23. 本文对部队开展全科医学教育的意义及相关问题进行了初步探讨全军麻醉科现状的调查分析

    This paper is to study the significance and some questions on establishing AGPE . Investigation and Analysis of Status Quo of Departments of Anesthesiology in Military Hospitals

  24. 麻醉科开展高龄合并心肺及全身性疾病病人的手术麻醉,占全年麻醉总数的50%,无一例发生麻醉意外。

    Aged patients and patients with generalized diseases account for50 % of the total amount in the anaesthesia department each year , but no accident have occurred .

  25. 曾多次在华西医大附属医院(三甲)和成都市第三人民医院(三甲)麻醉科进修学习。

    Attended several times important affiliated hospitals to Huaxi medical university ( third-senior ) and the Third People 's Hospital of Chengdu ( third-senior ) in advanced studies anesthesia .

  26. 摘要麻醉科在七年制医学生临床培训方面有其自身特点,主要表现在教材选择、临床培训方法、科研能力培训等方面。

    There are some special characteristics in clinical training for students of seven-year program in anesthesiology , such as selecting teaching materials , clinical training methods and research training methods .

  27. 对山东省120所县及县以上医院调查表明,目前医院麻醉科机构设置不完善,仪器设备落后,麻醉专业技术人员学历层次低、业务水平差。

    The result of investigation on the state of Anesthetic speciality talent in 120 hospitals of county and over county demonstrated that the organizational and administrative system of hospital anesthesia was not perfect .

  28. 该医院麻醉科执业助理医生严某在张某的要求下,先由张某为梁某推注麻药,后改由严某推注。其后,刘某为梁某进行了拔牙。

    The hospital anesthesiology assistant practicing doctors under certain strict requirements Zhang , first by Zhang bolus of local anesthetic , after a bolus replaced by Yan Subsequently , Liu carried out for the extraction .

  29. 手术室、麻醉科形成的瓶颈,医技科室检查预约、检查结果出报告的周期过长及术前准备不足是手术科室病人诊疗流程不畅的主要原因。

    The main reasons that caused the obstruction were the neck of bottle formed in department of operation and department of anesthesia , the reservation for check-up in department of medical technology , the long cycle for a check-up report and insufficient preparation before operation .

  30. 2003&2007年某医院麻醉手术科成本-效益分析

    Cost-benefit Analysis of Anesthesia Operation Department from 2003 to 2007 in a Hospital