
  • 网络port-a;AV graft;vascular prosthesis;graft;vascular grafts
  1. 目的评估运用ptfe人工血管建立血液透析通路的价值。

    ObjectiveTo evaluate PTFE AV graft as a vascular access for hemodialysis .

  2. 方法:在平扫图像中的胸主动脉进行标记;胸降主动脉瘤在低温体外循环下行人工血管置换术。

    Methods : At first , the descending aorta thoracic image was selected . The patients with aneurysm of descending thoracic aorta were were performed vascular prosthesis replacement .

  3. 肠腔静脉人工血管C型分流术的远期疗效观察

    Long-term therapeutic effect of the mesocaval C shunt with artifical blood vessel

  4. 骨髓CD(34)~+细胞人工血管内皮化实验研究

    Experiment and study of endothelialization of prostheses with bone marrow CD_ ( 34 ) ~ + cells

  5. 聚四氟乙烯人工血管材料作为VEGF基因载体的可行性研究

    Application of polytetrafluoroethylene as VEGF gene carrier

  6. 主要的人工血管材料为聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)(90%)。

    The majority of grafts were polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE )( 90 % ) .

  7. 利用TalentThoracic支架型人工血管行血管内胸主动脉修补的效果:TalentThoracic回顾性注册研究

    Results of endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta with the Talent Thoracic stent graft : The Talent Thoracic Retrospective Registry

  8. 结论肝素与VEGF联用,能促进EC在人工血管的增殖和贴附率。

    Conclusions : Heparin can be employed with VEGF to promote the growth and proliferation of EC on vascular prostheses .

  9. 结果肝素在体外与VEGF联合应用,可显著增加EC在人工血管内壁的贴附率,并对EC的增殖有一定的持续影响。

    Results : Synergy of heparin and VEGF in vitro could increase the proliferation of EC remarkably on vascular prostheses .

  10. 术中在DSA监视下对150例StanfordB型主动脉夹层动脉瘤施行了人工血管内支架安置术。

    Stent-grafts were implanted under the guidance of DSA in 150 cases of Stanford type B aortic dissecting aneurysms .

  11. 目的研究小径微孔聚氨酯(polyurethane,PU)人工血管的制备条件对微观结构和力学性能的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of preparation conditions for small diameter polyurethane ( PU ) vascular graft on microstructure and mechanical properties .

  12. 结论AAA切除人工血管置换术是治疗AAA的基本方法。

    Conclusions Aneurysmectomy and prosthetic vascular graft repair is the basic method of treatment for AAA .

  13. 方法:对88例肝静脉闭塞型布加综合征患者采用人工血管肠系膜上静脉下腔静脉C形架桥联合门奇断流术、脾动脉结扎或脾大部切除术进行治疗。

    Methods : A total of 88 cases of B CS with hepatic venous occlusion underwent combined mesocaval C shunt with artificial vascular graft , pericardial devascularization , ligation of splenic artery or subtotal splenectomy .

  14. 目的联合应用肝素及血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)预处理以提高人工血管移植物内皮细胞(EC)生长及贴附率。

    Objective : To investigate the endothelial cell ( EC ) proliferation ability on vascular prostheses pretreated by heparin combined with vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) .

  15. ~(99m)锝标记血小板检测内皮化人工血管内皮细胞抗血小板粘附聚集功能的研究

    Study on endothelial cells ' function of restraining platelets adhesion and aggregation with ~ ( 99m ) Tc-Labeled platelets in endothelial artificial vessels

  16. 人脐静脉内皮细胞分离与冻存技术及Gore-Tex人工血管内皮化

    Endothelialization of Gore-Tex vascular graft by using cryopreserved human umbilical endothelial cells

  17. 切应力对内皮祖细胞t-PA基因表达和小径人工血管移植通畅率的影响

    Effect of Shear Stress on t-PA mRNA Expression in Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Transplantation Patency of Small Diameter Artificial Vessels

  18. 犬Gore-tex人工血管移植后的超微结构观察

    Ultrastructural study of the gore-tex patch implanted to the dog ′ s aorta

  19. 支架型人工血管在X线透视下经股动脉被释放在RAA的预定位置。

    Stent-grafts were deployed in proper position of RAA under X-ray fluoroscopic .

  20. 目的探讨脾静脉下腔静脉人工血管架桥术(简称脾腔人工血管架桥术)在布加综合征(BCS)治疗中的应用价值。

    Objective To explore the application value of splenocaval shunt with artificial vascular graft in the treatment for Budd-Chiari syndrome ( B-CS ) .

  21. 人工血管的直径为6mm,长40cm。

    The PTFE artificial vessel was 6 mm in diameter , and 40 cm in length .

  22. 恒河猴自体静脉内皮细胞种植ePTFE人工血管后置换髂总动脉的实验研究

    Reconstruction of the common iliac artery with ePTFE vascular graft lined with autologous venous endothelial cells in Macaca mulatta

  23. 结论:有严重创面瘢痕的严重疾病患者在发生手臂人工血管感染时,BAL是处理人工血管感染的一项有效和开创性方法。

    BAL is an effective and expeditious method to deal with an infected arm AVG in frequently critically ill patients with densely scarred wounds .

  24. 本文进一步探讨了重组TFPI处理涤纶人工血管材料对其植入动物血管内后诱发血栓的影响。

    In the present study , the effect of TFPI on the thrombogenicity of Dacron membrane in canine femoral artery was investigated .

  25. 应用新型血管吻合夹吻合血管后的血流动力学实验研究术后放疗对犬下腔静脉ePTFE人工血管置换术后吻合口的影响

    The Effect of Post-operative Irradiation External Beam Radiation on the ePTFE Prosthesis-vascular Graft Anastomosis after Vein Prosthetic Vessel Replacement in Canine

  26. 目的:建立体外培养原代人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)的方法,并对培养的细胞进行鉴定,为人工血管立体环化打下基础。

    Objective : To establish a method for cultivating primary HUVEC in vitro and identify the cultural cells , so to make the basis for steric cyclization of artificial vessel .

  27. 目的探讨周围动脉硬化闭塞症(ASO)人工血管转流手术后血浆内皮素1(ET1)、一氧化氮(NO)水平的变化规律及其临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the alterations of endothelin-1 and nitric oxide and their clinical significance in the patients with atherosclerosis obliterans ( ASO ) after operations .

  28. 目的研究国产的ePTEE人工血管动物应用可行性。

    Objective : To study the feasibility of Chinese ePTFE vascular prosthesis .

  29. 蓝光英诺该项目首席科学家康裕建(JamesKang)表示,全球每年有1.56亿人需要人工血管或血管支持结构,这项研究能为他们带来福音。康裕建上世纪90年代开始在美国从事干细胞研究。

    James Kang , lead scientist on the Revotek project who began working on stem cells in the US in the 1990s , said the research could benefit the 156m people every year worldwide who need artificial blood vessels or vessel support structures .

  30. 21例手术治疗,其中6例行Bentall术,2例行Wheat术,5例行升主动脉置换(同时主动脉瓣成形4例),1例行胸主动脉置换,7例置入支撑型人工血管;

    Twenty-one patients underwent surgical treatment , 6 had Bentall operation , 2 Wheat operation , 5 ascending aorta replacement , 1 aorta thoracica replacement operation , 7 had supportive vascular prosthesis implanted , 4 of whom had combined aortic valve plasty .