
  1. 产权在人力资本评估中的影响分析我国自然保护区自然资本评估方法体系建立

    Influence of Property Right on Valuation of Human Capital Establishment of the Methods on Natural Capital Evaluations of Chinese Natural Reserve

  2. 本文的研究将对建立我国人力资本评估理论与方法体系提供重要参考。

    The study of this article should give significant reference on building up appraisal theory of human capital of our country .

  3. 饭店企业家人力资本价值评估与定价研究

    Study on Appraisal and Pricing about Entrepreneurial Human Capital of Hotel

  4. 企业人力资本价值评估

    Enterprises Human Capital Valuation The Value of Human Capital and Its Evaluation

  5. 企业人力资本价值评估人力资本的价值评估及会计计量

    Enterprises Human Capital Valuation The Value Assessment and Accounting Measure

  6. 教师人力资本价值评估及其微观管理研究

    Research on Human Capitol Value Evaluation of Teachers and Its Microcosmic Administration

  7. 基于网络层次分析的技能型人力资本价值评估

    Evaluation of Skilled Human Capital Based on Analytic Network Process

  8. 人力资本出资评估制度的法学思考

    Law Analysis on the Evaluation of Human Capital Contribution

  9. 基于长期契约的企业人力资本价值评估及应用研究

    Human Capital : Value Appraisal and Application Based on the View of Long Term Contracts

  10. 然而,当前我国企业人力资本价值评估的理论、方法还不成熟,也没有统一的操作标准。

    But now in china , the theories and methods of human capital valuation are faultiness , and these is not a unified operating standard .

  11. 人力资本价值评估的方法一般可分为定性与定量两种,研究重点主要集中在定量方法上。

    There are two kinds of method to evaluate the human capital : qualitative method and quantification method . This study is focus on the latter .

  12. 随着对人才重要性的认识逐步深入以及产权改革的深化,人力资本的评估方法和手段也有了快速发展。

    With the understanding of the talents ' importance and the intensification of property right reform , the methods and devices of human capital valuation have changed quickly .

  13. 当前企业获利能力的评价、股份制改造、企业之间的并购等无不涉及对企业人力资本进行评估。

    At present , the valuation of profitability of enterprises , capital reconstruction , merger and acquisition between enterprises , and so on , which all involve human capital valuation .

  14. 第三部分(第六章),指出我国在企业人力资本价值评估方面存在的一些问题,并提出了一些改善的建议。

    The third part ( chapter 6 ) points out some problems consisted in human capital valuation in our country , and then put forward some advices to perfecting them .

  15. 在高科技企业人力资本及评估方法问题中,本文从高科技企业两大类三种人力资本的实际特点出发,结合资产评估中常用方法,定量设计了高科技企业人力资本价值评估的模型。

    About the problem of high-technological company human capital and appraisal method , this paper begins from the practical features of different human capital and combines with the usual assets appraisal methods and then gives the human capital appraisal model .

  16. 人力资本价值及其评估问题

    The Value of Human Capital and Its Evaluation

  17. 第三部分,分析电力企业人力资本投资价值评估的方法、指标。

    The third part , analyze the method and index of assessment of human capita !

  18. 对人力资本价值的评估是企业各利益相关者的需求,也是对评估机构和评估师的一个挑战。

    Human capital valuation , a challenge to appraisers and valuation firms , is needed by all the interest related parties of the enterprises .

  19. 论建立经营者人力资本的识别评估机制问题基于人力资本特性的经营者薪酬激励机制研究

    On Evaluation System of Manager s Human Capital ; Research on the Compensation Incentive on the Base of the Manager 's Human Capital Identity

  20. 建立经营者人力资本的识别评估机制的前提条件是解决经营者市场有效竞争缺损和有效需求不足问题。

    Solving the problem of low competition and insufficient effective demand is the pre condition for developing an evaluation system for a manager 's human capital .

  21. 针对人力资本价值量化评估的难点,本文立足于人力资本的形成过程,结合高科技企业不同人力资本的特点,设计了高科技企业人力资本价值评估的计量模型,并对各技术指标进行了分析和确定。

    Considering the difficulty of human capital appraisal with quantitative method , the paper gives the valuation method for human capital appraisal of high-technological company and certifies the parameters used in the model .

  22. 因此,对企业的人力资本价值进行评估和确认,对人力资本参与分配、激励创新、促进企业财务管理创新及发展高新技术产业具有重大的意义。

    So , the evaluation and acknowledgement for the enterprise 's capital value of manpower have important significance for the capital of manpower participating in the distribution , prompting and innovating , promoting the innovation of the enterprise 's financing management and developing the high-tech industry .

  23. 在这一章中,对企业人力资本投资项目ROI评估原理、评估方法进行了详细的考察和描述。

    This chapter will make detailed discussion about the principle , the method of ROI .

  24. 第三章为企业人力资本投资绩效ROI评估。

    Chapter 3 , Performance evaluation on enterprises ' human capital investment , is the body of the thesis too .

  25. 所以,研究企业人力资本投资效益的评估具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , the study on evaluation of enterprise 's human capital investment benefit is very important .

  26. 研究了人力资本投资效益的评估模型,建立了以净现值和内部收益率为指标的两个评估模型。

    Studies the evaluation model of enterprise 's human capital investment benefit and constructs two models : one 's index is net present value ( NPV ), the other 's index is internal rate of return ( IRR ) .

  27. 探讨了人力资本产权特性对人力资本评估的影响,并对未来人力资本评估工作进行了展望。

    This article explores the influence of property right on human capital valuation , and forecasts how to valuate human capital in the future .

  28. 虽然允许人力资本入股在人力资本价值评估、资本充实、债权人保护等方面存在一定的障碍,但这些问题都可以通过法律制度的有效构建来予以解决。

    Although the permission human capital buys stock in the human capital value assessment , the capital enriches , aspects and so on creditor protection to have certain barrier , but these questions may construct effectively through the legal regime solve .

  29. 第一章是本文的理论综述。主要对西方人力资本理论和企业人力资本投资绩效评估的一般理论研究的发展进行了一个归纳,作为本文研究的基础。

    Chapter 1 , Literature review , which mainly summarizes the original ideas , theory and the present development about human capital and performance evaluation on human capital investment , is the basis of the research .

  30. 本文拟通过对人力资本及其相关概念的介绍,从资产评估的角度提出人力资本价值评估的一些方法。

    This article introduces the Human Capital and the related concepts , puts forward some human capital valuation methods .