
rén mín dà zhònɡ
  • the broad masses
  1. 革命文化,对于人民大众,是革命的有力武器。

    Revolutionary culture is a powerful revolutionary weapon for the broad masses of the people .

  2. 他们是人民大众的一部分,但不是人民大众的主体,也不是决定革命性质的力量。

    They are part of the broad masses of the people but not the main body , nor are they a force that determines the character of the revolution .

  3. 准平衡”的评判者是人民大众和历史发展

    The " quasi-balance " appraiser is the people and the historical development . “

  4. outoftouch不联系,不接触作为一个成功的领导,你一定不能使自己与人民大众脱离联系。

    To be a successful leader , you should not be out of touch with people .

  5. 准平衡的评判者是人民大众和历史发展。

    The quasi-balance appraiser is the people and the historical development .

  6. 在社会主义社会,教学价值主体是人民大众。

    While in socialist society , it is the people .

  7. 商业是与人民大众生活息息相关的。

    Business is bound up with man 's life closely .

  8. 工业化会把人民大众变成看管机器的人。

    Industrialization would turn the masses into mere machine minders .

  9. 写作要像知识分子,说话要像人民大众。

    Write like the learned , speak like the masses .

  10. 今天坐江山的是全国的人民大众。

    Today it is the people who rule the country .

  11. “孺子”在这里就是说无产阶级和人民大众。

    The " children " here symbolize the proletariat and the masses .

  12. 人民大众的实践活动,是哲学智慧的源泉。

    People 's practice is the headspring of philosophy wisdom .

  13. 这个上帝不是别人,就是全中国的人民大众。

    Our God is none other than the masses of the Chinese people .

  14. 人民大众的反帝反封建的文化的历史考察

    The Mass ' Anti-Imperialism & Anti-Feudalism : Its Culture from a Historical Perspective

  15. 他们试图激励人民大众的无限热情。

    They tried to stir the peoples of the world into triumphant action .

  16. 民众被视为政治力量的主要源泉的人民大众。

    The common people , considered as the primary source of political power .

  17. 习语和谚语是一个民族文化与智慧的结晶,同时也是人民大众口头语典范的实录。

    Idioms and proverbs are crystalization of culture and wisdom of a people .

  18. 人民大众都是过着一夫一妻制的生活。

    The mass of the people live in monogamy .

  19. 社会主义文化建设的目的是为人民大众服务。

    It is in service of the masses .

  20. 十二月二十六日的声明,是不能满足中国人民大众的要求的。

    The statement of December 26 cannot meet the demands of the Chinese masses .

  21. 这位电影明星已经属于人民大众了。

    The film star has become common property .

  22. 人民大众必须充分信任警方。

    The general public must be able to have confidence in the police force .

  23. 马克思主义理论在本质上是人民大众的科学理论。

    Marxist theory onthe nature of the scientific theories of the masses of the people .

  24. 在古代敦煌地区,麻与人民大众的生活息息相关,不可或缺。

    The Ma-Crops was closely bound up with the life of ancient people in Dunhuang .

  25. 每过几年的大选迫使政治家们不得不把人民大众的利益考虑在内。

    Elections force politicians to take the public 's wishes into account every few years .

  26. 封建主义和人民大众之间的矛盾

    The conflict between feudalism and the masses

  27. 并且他对上层的人和人民大众都是一样的。

    Moreover , he was the same towards people of the world and towards the lower classes .

  28. 我们在这里提供你的需要,所以我们管你叫人民大众。

    We 're here to take care of your needs , so we 'll call you the people .

  29. 以及特色在创造我国新型建筑文化中的意义和建筑师应如何从历史的、地理的、美学的方面去全面地把握,以创作出更多具有特色的为人民大众喜爱的建筑作品来。

    How to hand it form history , geography and aesthetics and creating more and more charactering architectural works .

  30. 在法国,文艺复兴主要是贵族的事情,在英国,文艺复兴始终和人民大众密切相关。

    While in France the Renaissance was eminently aristocratic , in England it was always regardful of the masses .