
  • 网络human capital formation
  1. 为研究正规教育对人力资本形成的贡献,在人口预测模型的基础上,加入教育入学率信息,建立了中国人口教育状态演化模型(P-E模型);

    In order to investigate the effect of formal education on human capital formation , a P-E model is established based on the forecasting model of population .

  2. 职业培训是人力资本形成的重要手段。

    Vocational training is an important means of human capital formation .

  3. 影响农村青年人力资本形成的多因素分析

    Research on Factors That Effect Human Capital of Rural Youth

  4. 人力资本形成与西部发展:来自浙江的启示

    On the Significance of Human Capital Formulation to Development of West China

  5. 论体育在人力资本形成中的作用

    Discussion on Function of Sports in Human Capital Formation

  6. 人力资本形成及其对经济增长的影响&一个包含教育和健康投入的内生增长模型及其检验

    Human Capital Formation land its Effects on Economic Growth

  7. 研究农村人力资本形成机制。

    Analyzing forming mechanism of human capital in rural .

  8. 我国人力资本形成的阶段与区域特征分析

    An Analysis of the Forms and Regional Characteristics of Human Capital in China

  9. 劳动力流动对人力资本形成与配置的影响

    The Impact Labor Force Floating Has on the Formation and Configuration of Human Capital

  10. 我国农村人力资本形成机制的缺陷及其矫正

    The Defect and the Correction of the Human Capital Forming Mechanism in Our Countryside

  11. 经济转型中的人力资本形成与转化

    Human Capital Formation and Transformation in Economic Transition

  12. 教育投资是一国人力资本形成的主要方式,也是一国经济增长的源动力。

    Educational investment is the important means in forming of one country 's human capital .

  13. 然后,对中国人力资本形成和教育投资状况进行实证分析。

    Second , I analyze the statistics of human capital and educational investment in China .

  14. 技术进步与人力资本形成是学术界关注的热点问题。

    Technological progress and human capital formation are the focus of attention problems in the academia .

  15. 当前我国城乡人力资本形成差异的原因、影响及对策

    China city and town human capital forming difference 's reason , influence and countermeasure at present

  16. 二是加大教育培训是人力资本形成的最佳途径;

    Secondly , strengthening education and training is the best approach to the forming of human capital ;

  17. 珠三角、长三角与京津冀地区人力资本形成模式比较

    Comparative Study on Human Capital Formation Model of Pearl River Delta , Yangtze River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

  18. 人力资本形成过程中包含的大量活劳动。

    It should be realized that a lot of living labor is included within the formation of human capital .

  19. 体育锻炼是促进健康的有效手段,在人力资本形成中具有基础性作用。

    Therefore , the study of the sports practicing of college teachers has realistic meanings in improving human capital .

  20. 希望本文的研究能够对我国农民工人力资本形成发展提供一些有益的建议。

    Hoping herein research can offer some beneficial suggestions of our country human capital of peasant workers form and development .

  21. 完善人力资本形成与再投资机制,推动自主创新与技术进步,实现地区经济的创新驱动发展。

    Perfect mechanism of human capital production and reinvestment , motivate indigenous innovation and technical progress , bring about innovation drive development .

  22. 在知识经济的社会大背景下,教育投资是人力资本形成的最重要途径。

    Education investment is the most important way to the building-up of human capital ( HC ) under the background of knowledge-based economy .

  23. 教育、经验、区域因素与人力资本形成&基于1990年和2000年数据的比较分析

    Education , Experience and Regional Factors in the Role of Human Capital Formation & Analysis Based on the Data from 1990 and 2000

  24. 贸易开放和人力资本形成的非线性关系&理论和基于我国省际动态面板数据的实证研究

    The Non-linear Relationship between Trade Opening and Human Capital Formation : Theory and Empirical Study Based on China 's Dynamic Inter-provincial Panel Data

  25. 当前农业发展政策的重点,应是促成农业劳动力人力资本形成率的快速提高。

    From the abovementioned , the stress of current agricultural policies should help rapidly elevate the ratio of shaping of agricultural labor capital .

  26. 其次,分析了我国农村人力资本形成及农村人力资本对农村经济增长的贡献,其中对各人力资本投资主体的行为进行了经济分析。

    Chapter 2 , Rural Human Capital and Rural Economic Growth . This part analyses rural human capital investment effect on the rural economic growth .

  27. 通过监督博弈模型,论证了对农村人力资本形成过程监督的必要性和可能性。

    Through the monitoring its execution with the game theory model , necessity and possibility for monitoring the forming course of rural capital is indicated .

  28. 从人力资本形成存量来看,河南省农村人口数量众多,劳动力资源丰富,人力资本质量也在不断提高。

    For human capital stock , there are great population and abundant labor resources in Henan rural areas . The quality of human capital is promoting constantly .

  29. 总之,组织的复制和整合能力发挥杠杆作用,促使人力资本形成组织资本,使组织得以不断提高创新绩效。

    In summary , organizational replication and integration cognitions could leverage human capital to organizational capital , so as to contribute to the organizational innovation performance increasingly .

  30. 文中将人力资本形成过程中的个人确定为委托人,具体形成部门为代理人;

    In this article , individual that comes forth in human capital forming process was defined as principal , while specific forming department was defined as agent .