
  • 网络relative overpopulation
  1. 广义相对人口过剩理论为我们综合分析和解决人口、贫困、失业、环境恶化等问题提供了新的视角和思路。

    The relative overpopulation in broad sense provide with new perspective and methods of analyzing and solving problems as population , poverty , unemployment , and environment .

  2. 广义相对人口过剩不仅包括人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,而且还包括人口相对于资源环境的过剩。

    Relative overpopulation in the broad sense includes not only the population surplus compared with means of subsistence and production but also the surplus compared with resources and environment .

  3. 人与自然关系的恶化迫切需要把狭义相对人口过剩论发展成广义相对人口过剩论。

    With the depravation between man and nature , it requires that relative overpopulation in its narrow sense should be developed into that in the broad sense .

  4. 传统意义上的相对人口过剩是指人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,这种理论可以概括称之为狭义相对人口过剩论。

    Relative Overpopulation in Broad Sense Traditionally , relative overpopulation refers to population surplus compared with the means of subsistence and production , which can be labeled as relative overpopulation in a narrow sense .