
  1. 对实验结果进行了分析并介绍了V2O5薄膜的相变原理及其在激光防护上的应用。

    The experimental results are analyzed , phase transition principle and application in laser protection of vanadium pentoxide thin films are also introduced in this paper .

  2. 介绍了VO2薄膜的相变原理,用磁控离子溅射法制备了VO2薄膜,并进行了X射线衍射和不同温度下的光谱透过率测量。

    The phase transition principle of VO_2thin films is introduced in this paper . The X-ray diffraction pattern and spectral transmission at different temperature of vanadium dioxide thin films deposited on glass by RF magnetron sputtering were measured .

  3. 利用相变原理减少支承轴螺纹部位的胀大变形

    Decrease in Expanding of Screw-thread of Supporting Axle in the Light of Transformation Principle

  4. 介绍了智能高分子凝胶的定义、分类、研究历史和体积相变原理。

    This review deals with research and application of smart polymer gels , involving definition , categories , history , theory and potential applications .

  5. 主要研究内容包括:通过理论分析,建立了流体流动的数学模型,确定了流体中微小球体的受力状态,建立了相变原理方程。

    The main contents are as following : The mathematical models of fluid flow were established , the stress states of micro-particles in micro-fluid were analyzed , and the equations of PC principal were established .

  6. 根据相变原理,在支承轴的螺纹部位装上螺母后再进行淬火,结果减少了螺纹的胀大变形量,解决了难以装配的问题。

    According to trasformation principle the supporting axle was quenched after nut has been assembled on screw-thread of the axle , As a result , expanding amount of screw-thread of the axle was reduced and the difficulty of assembly was solved .

  7. 根据传热学原理、热非弹性理论、相变原理和电磁场理论,建立了外加磁场淬火时瞬态温度场和相变计算的数学模型,并编制了计算机程序。

    In this paper , according to the priciple of heat transfer , thermal non-elasticity theory , phase transformation theory and electromagnetic theory , the mathematical model of numerical simulation of temperature field and phase transformation during the quenching process by the additional magnetic field was established .

  8. 可擦除相变光盘原理及其材料

    The principle of the erasable phase-change optical disk and the media

  9. 利用应力诱发弹性马氏体相变的原理,研制出一种新型铜基弹性合金,该材料弹性稳定性好,弹性回复量大,价格便宜。

    A new type of copper-base alloy with elasticity has been developed by means of the principle of stress that induced martensitic transformation to produce superelasticity . The new material possesses good elasticity and its production cost is low .

  10. 考察了γAl2O3薄膜的孔径和分离渗透性能随温度变化的规律,以便利用γAl2O3的相变烧结过程原理,控制复合层陶瓷膜的孔径大小和分布。

    To control the pore size and its distribution of ceramic composite membrane , the change of the pore size and permeate of membrane was also taken into experiments due to phase transition and sintering under higher temperature .

  11. 深入分析了有限差分法模拟凝固过程时,采用等效比热法处理相变潜热的原理;

    The equivalent specific heat method for calculation of the solidification latent heat was analyzed for simulation of the solidification process with finite difference method .

  12. 采用水的相变换热原理研制出的真空相变加热炉,可很好地解决传统加热炉存在的问题。

    A heat oven of vaccum phase transformation can better solve above-mentioned problems which is developed on the basis of the principle of heat of water phase transformation .

  13. 非共沸混合工质复叠制冷机是利用非共沸工质相变分离的原理进行制冷循环的一种新形式,具有高可靠性与长寿命的特点。

    The non-azeotropic mixture refrigerant cascade cooler based on mixed refrigerant cascade ( MRC ) cycle is regarded as one of refrigerant cycle with reliability and long-life in theory .

  14. 本文除对磁光存储和相变存储作原理性的评述外,着重论述全光存储过程中高功率密度激光和凝聚态薄膜相互作用的新概念和新机制。

    In this paper , apart from a review of basic principles on MO and PC storing , particular attention is paid to the new concepts and new mechanism-analysis describing the interaction between high power-density laser beam and condensed thin films .

  15. 介绍相变换热原理、相变暖气片特点以及相变取暖系统的经济性,预示相变换热技术在取暧系统的开发前景。

    The paper introduces principle of change heat of technology by phase changing , characteristics of heating radiator and economical characteristics of heating system by application of phase changing . Development prospect of change heat of technology by phase changing in heating system is obvious .

  16. 高压下TiN等结构相变的第一性原理研究

    First-Principles Study of the Isostructural Phase Transition of TiN under High Pressure

  17. Co影响Ni-Mn-Ga合金马氏体相变的第一性原理分析

    First-Principle Study on the Effect of Co Addition on the Martensitic Transformation of Ni-Mn-Ga Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys

  18. 压力下钒发生相变的第一性原理计算

    First principles calculation of phase transition of vanadium under pressure

  19. 碘和氨在高压下结构相变的第一性原理研究

    Ab Initio Investigation of Phase Transitions of Solid Iodine and Ammonia under High Pressures

  20. 非静水压条件下铁从α到ε结构相变的第一性原理计算

    Structure phase transition from α to ε in Fe under non-hydrostatic pressure : an ab initio study

  21. 同时本文还介绍了相变热固技术的原理及方法。

    By the way the introduction of the technical theorem and method of the phase-change thermography technology was given .

  22. 依据物质相变能量变化的原理,设计了日光温室内空气降湿装置。

    Based on the theory of material energy exchange , design was made on air humidity reducing device in greenhouse .

  23. 本文对可擦除相变光盘的工作原理及其材料的要求进行了详尽的论述。

    In this paper the principle of phase-change media for erasable optical disk and the materials required are discussed in detail .