
  1. 影片根据中国作家姜戎的同名小说改编,可谓一部3D史诗巨制。故事讲述了20世纪60年代,北京知青陈阵(冯绍峰饰)和杨克(窦骁饰)在内蒙古草原插队时与牧民群落相依相存的故事。

    Based on Jiang Rong 's novel of the same name , the 3-D adventure epic is about Chen Zhen ( Feng Shaofeng ) and Yang Ke ( Shawn Dou ) being sent from Beijing to Inner Mongolia in the 1960s to live with a nomadic tribe .

  2. 相依相存相济相生&艺术创作中的虚实笔法概观给相关员工以专家观点的技术支持。

    Mutually Depend and Exist , Mutually Save and Grow & The Writing Method of Fabricate and True in Artistic work ; To support staff with technical expertise .

  3. 在现代市场经济中,实体经济与虚拟经济的相依相存、对立统一进一步折射出财务会计信息的严重经济后果性。

    In the modern marketing economy , the dependence and unity of opposites of real economy and fictitious economy further reflects the serious economic aftermath of financial and accounting information .

  4. 天水流传着多种民间乐舞形式,羊皮鼓舞是其中保存较好,较有特点的一个类型,至今和当地一种被称为传神的古老文化仪式相依相存。

    Various folk musical instruments spread in Tianshui , one of which is sheepskin drum with good reservation and characteristic , and it coexists with an ancient ritual called " Chuanshen " .