
  • fitting room;DRESSING ROOM;changing room
  1. 排行第四的表演可就没怎么获得批准:一对情侣在优衣库(Uniqlo)试衣间自拍影片。

    A rather less sanctioned display , of a couple who filmed themselves in a Uniqlo fitting room , was fourth on the list .

  2. 试试吧,试衣间在那边。

    Try it on ! The fitting room is over there .

  3. 想象一下,你在诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom)门店的试衣间内试衣服。

    Imagine you are in a changing room at a Nordstrom JWN - 0.49 % store trying on some clothes .

  4. eBay不久前为时尚品牌瑞贝卡o明可弗(RebeccaMinkoff)的两家门店研发了智能试衣间,诺德斯特龙的智能试衣间正是来自于那次研发成果。考虑到诺德斯特龙的百货商店之大、产品种类之多,其项目也更加复杂。

    While Nordstrom 's smart fitting rooms build on what eBay also recently developed for fashion designer Rebecca Minkoff 's two boutiques , it is a more complicated project given how much bigger Nordstrom department stores are and how much more inventory they hold .

  5. 我冲进试衣间把身体滑进去。

    I rushed to the dressing room and slipped it on .

  6. 当然可以,请随我去试衣间。

    Sure , Please come with me to the fitting room .

  7. 店内的女试衣间里都发现有被烧掉的防盗口。

    Burnt security tags left in the women 's dressing room .

  8. 试衣间的门挤破了,柜台底下人堆人。

    The fitting room door squeezed under the counter , Monroe .

  9. 服装销售中试衣间的市场调查和分析

    The market research and analysis for locker room in clothing marketing

  10. 对试衣间的营销设计要素提出了相关建议。

    The related suggestions on marketing design of locker room are given .

  11. 当然,请到试衣间。

    Sure , come to the trying room , please ;

  12. 就在试衣间的正后方。

    B : It 's right behind the dressing rooms .

  13. 我能试穿一下吗?试衣间在哪儿啊?

    May I try this on ? where is the fitting room ?

  14. 买之前在试衣间测试一下。

    Test this in the dressing room before you buy .

  15. 我去试衣间试穿看看。

    Let me try it on in the fitting room .

  16. 我告诉你试衣间在哪儿。

    I 'll show you where the fitting room is .

  17. 你可以去那边的试衣间试穿。

    You can try it on in the fitting room over there .

  18. 请您在试衣间里把鞋子脱掉好吗?

    Would you please take your shoes off in the fitting room ?

  19. 你介意跟我到试衣间吗?

    Would you mind following me to a fitting room ?

  20. 他已经在试衣间试衣服了。

    He 's already in the dressing room trying one on now .

  21. 您可以在试衣间里试一试。

    You may try it in the dressing room .

  22. 试衣间在哪儿?

    Where is the fitting room ? = Where is the dressing room .

  23. 右边的那个地方有试衣间。

    There 's a fitting room right over there .

  24. 试衣间在左边的拐角。

    The fitting room is in the left corner .

  25. 请随我到试衣间。

    Please come with me to the fitting room .

  26. 在试衣间,有人袭击了我

    In the dressing room . He attacked me .

  27. 试衣间在您右手边。

    The fitting room is on your right .

  28. 阐述了试衣间在现代服装终端营销中的重要作用。

    The important functions of locker room in modern clothing terminal marketing are explained .

  29. 汉娜和凯勒去查看试衣间了

    Hanna and Caleb are checking the coatrooms .

  30. 调研和分析了目前服装销售中试衣间的现状。

    The present conditions of locker room in clothing marketing are investigated and analyzed .