
  • 网络trial version;Beta;Trial Edition
  1. Rational软件下载:获得Rational产品的试用版下载。

    Rational Software Downloads : Get trial downloads of Rational products .

  2. 提示您选择试用版还是注册版,选择trial。

    You 'll be prompted to select the trial or licensed version ; select trial for now .

  3. 利用IBM产品评估试用版软件改革您的下一个开源开发项目。

    Innovate your next open source development project with IBM trial software .

  4. 到IBM的软件下载资源中心下载IBM软件试用版。

    Go to IBM 's trial downloads area to download IBM software tools .

  5. 免费下载关键WebSphere产品试用版。

    No-charge trial downloads for key WebSphere products .

  6. 试用版过期后,可以在InstallationManager中修改包以移除试用特性。

    After the trial license expires , you can modify the package in Installation Manager to remove the trial features .

  7. 如果还没有购买许可证,您可以从developerWorks下载RationalApplicationDeveloper的试用版。

    You can download a trial copy of Rational Application Developer from developerWorks if you haven 't purchased the license .

  8. 最流行的WebSphere试用版下载

    Most popular WebSphere trial downloads

  9. 论数字图书馆的著作权问题&关于GooglePrint试用版的运行与评价

    On the Copyright Issues of Digital Library & Analysis of the Operational Model and Evaluation of Google Print Beta

  10. 与此同时,谷歌(google)定期发布新产品的试用版(beta)。

    Google , meanwhile , routinely launches new products with a " beta " label on them .

  11. 如果希望只安装DataStudioDeveloper的免费特性,必须下载DataStudioDeveloper免费30天试用版。

    If you wish to install only the no-charge features of Data Studio Developer , you must download the 30-day Data Studio Developer trial .

  12. AptanaCloud已经提供了免费试用版。

    A free trial of Aptana Cloud is available .

  13. 下载LotusSametime的试用版。

    Download a trial version of Lotus Sametime .

  14. 在DataStudio1.2中,所有基于Eclipse的免费功能都与您必须购买且可以通过下载30天试用版获得的功能结合在一起。

    In Data Studio 1.2 , all Eclipse-based no-charge capabilities were combined with the capabilities that you had to purchase and could be obtained by downloading the 30-day trial .

  15. 使用IBM试用版软件创新您的下一个开源开发项目,可以通过下载或DVD获得。

    Innovate your next open source development project with IBM trial software , available for download or on DVD .

  16. IBMMashupCenter:下载IBMMashupCenter的试用版,尝试本文中描述的解决方案示例。

    IBM Mashup Center : Download a trial version of IBM Mashup Center to try the solution example described in this article .

  17. EclipseV3.1:免费下载试用版。

    Eclipse V3.1 : Download a trial version at no charge .

  18. 有关下载Tivoli产品的试用版的信息,请参见参考资料。

    See the Resources for information about downloading trial versions of Tivoli products .

  19. 少数其它手写板生产商会提供在PC和MAC上使用的更为廉价的替代软件,通常附赠试用版或全功能版本的软件。

    A few other pen tablet makers offer cheaper alternatives that work with PCs and Macs and usually come with trial or full function software .

  20. 它由位于以色列海法市的IBMResearch实验室的研究人员开发,可以从alphaWorks获得ConTest的有限制的试用版。

    Developed by researchers at the IBM Research laboratory in Haifa , Israel , ConTest is available from alphaWorks in a limited trial version .

  21. 您可以从我们的网站的LINGO的免费试用版。

    You can download a free trial version of LINGO from our website .

  22. 阅读有关新版Informix的资料并获取下载免费或试用版的链接。

    Read about the new editions of Informix and get links to download the free or trial editions .

  23. IBM试用版软件可以帮助您构建下一个Linux平台上的开发项目;这些试用版软件可以从developerWorks上直接下载。

    IBM trial software can help you build your next development project on Linux ; the trial software is available for download directly from developerWorks .

  24. iOS10将于今年秋天正式发布,而夏天就会有试用版套装。

    iOS 10 will be available in the fall , with a beta version set for the summer .

  25. 如果您目前还不是该产品的用户并且想获得试用版,请联系IBM销售代表或获得授权的IBM业务合作伙伴。

    If you are not a current customer and would like to obtain a trial version of the product , contact your IBM Sales Representative or authorized IBM Business Partner .

  26. 微软会继续把一些项目放到MSDN下载中心中,比如VS的试用版或是VSservicepacks。

    Microsoft will continue to keep some of its projects on MSDN Downloads , like trial versions of Visual Studio or Visual Studio service packs .

  27. 您可以从developerWorks的试用版下载区下载本文中介绍的某些产品的试用版。

    You can download trial versions of some of the products described in this article from the developerWorks trial downloads area .

  28. FlexBuilder标准版包含了AutomationAPI的试用版,这限制了应用每次加载时所允许的重放次数。

    FlexBuilder Standard edition includes a trial version of the Automation API that limits the number of replays allowed per launch of an application .

  29. 8浏览器将提供试用版(beta)供公众下载,但微软不愿就该软件与windows操作系统的绑定日期做出承诺。

    IE8 will be available for public download as a " beta " version , but Microsoft would not commit to a date for the software to be bundled into the windows operating system .

  30. 有关获取试用版或购买产品的更多信息,请联系IBM销售代表或ShopzSeries。

    See your IBM Sales Representative or ShopzSeries for more information about obtaining a trial version or purchasing this product .