
  • 网络map;site map;SITEMAP;Sitemaps
  1. XML站点地图列出一个web站点的所有URL。

    An XML sitemap lists all the URLs for a website .

  2. 下面是一个有效的站点地图路径,关于站点地图本身列出的URL

    The following is a valid sitemap location with respect to the URLs listed in the sitemap itself

  3. XML站点地图验证器为您识别任何站点地图问题,以在您通知搜索引擎之前把问题解决了。

    XML sitemaps validator identifies any sitemap problems for you to resolve before you inform search engines .

  4. 获取站点地图节点的url属性。

    Gets the URL property of the site map node .

  5. 站点地图在entries值中设置。

    The site map is found in the entries value .

  6. 对于某个特定任务(比较XML文件或者构建站点地图),可以考虑为这个单一的任务选用一个更专注的工具。

    For a specific task ( compare XML files or build a sitemap ), consider a more focused tool for that single task .

  7. 这种方法类似于传统的基于HTML的站点地图(或者主页)的注册方法。

    This is comparable to the way the traditional HTML-based sitemaps ( or homepages ) are registered .

  8. 在这里,它使用来自Boot类的站点地图创建站点菜单。

    In this case , it is using the site map from the Boot class to create site menu .

  9. 大多数站点地图创建器是基于web的,它们利用一些参数(比如说更改频率和最新修改日期)请求web站点的URL。

    Most sitemap creators are web-based , and they request the URL of the website along with a few parameters such as change frequency and last modification date .

  10. 如果一个站点地图节点没有指定url,则使用自动生成的唯一键来跟踪该节点。

    If a site map node does not specify a url , it is tracked using an automatically generated unique key .

  11. 站点地图把对通行可用的web站点URL通知给搜索引擎,以便搜索引擎可以将这些URL包含在其数据库。

    A sitemap informs a search engine about website URLs that are available for crawling so the search engine can include the URLs in its database .

  12. 站点地图协议以一种简明并且结构直观的XML文件为基础,该XML文件由一个URL及其相关元数据的列表构成。

    The sitemap protocol is based on a straight forward and intuitively structured XML file , which is composed of a list of URLs and their associated metadata .

  13. 然而,请记住,站点地图仍然是单个HTML页面并且应保持相对较小的页面大小。

    However , keep in mind that the site map is still a single html page and should be kept relatively small in size .

  14. SitemapXML验证器检查有效XML代码的站点地图,以便您可以先纠正错误,然后再提交到搜索引擎。

    Sitemap XML validator checks your site map for valid XML code so you can correct errors before you submit it to search engines .

  15. 此方法会创建一个高效的站点地图,以供搜索引擎爬网程序在您的整个站点中遍历尽可能多的URL并针对这些URL建立索引。

    This method creates an effective site map for search engine spiders to traverse and index as many URLs as possible in your entire site .

  16. 创建了站点地图XML文件并能通过Web服务器访问它之后,便可以通过支持搜索引擎所提供的URL注册服务把该文件提交给服务器。

    Once you create the sitemap XML file and make it available through a Web server , it then can be submitted with the URL registration services that the supporting search engines provide .

  17. 通过更新站点地图来列出每篇文章的url并不是一种很有效的办法,原因是不能以编程方式将节点添加到站点地图中。

    Updating a site map to list the URL for every post is not an efficient approach because nodes cannot be added to a site map programmatically .

  18. 相反,您需要在页上添加一个可读取站点地图的。

    Control to a page that can read the site map .

  19. 用作其呈现的站点地图数据的数据源。

    As a source for the site map data it renders .

  20. 对象检索站点地图节点。

    Method retrieves a site map node from an internal .

  21. 导航菜单以站点地图为基础。

    The navigation menus are based on the site map .

  22. 与小型站点地图相比,大型站点地图将降低性能。

    Large site maps will slow performance compared to smaller site maps .

  23. 绑定由站点地图提供程序自动执行。

    Binding is performed automatically using the site map provider .

  24. 站点地图文件,该文件包含网站的结构。

    A site-map file that contains the structure of the web site .

  25. 获取当前提供程序表示的站点地图数据的根。

    Object of the site map data that the current provider represents .

  26. 要检索其父站点地图节点的。

    For which to retrieve the parent site map node .

  27. 表示当前站点地图数据结构中的顶层节点。

    That represents the top-level node in the current site map data structure .

  28. 不是当前站点地图提供程序的已注册的子提供程序。

    Is not a registered child provider of the current site map provider .

  29. 对于病毒扫描程序之类的工具,不应将其配置为可修改站点地图文件。

    Tools like virus scanners should not be configured to modify site-map files .

  30. 获取站点地图的根节点。

    Gets the root node of the site map .