
  • 网络On your side;stand by your side
  1. 意识到“时间”是站在你这边的。

    Appreciate the notion that " time " is on your side .

  2. 我知道我没有一直站在你这边。

    I know I haven 't been here for you .

  3. 在大多数情况下,你的老师是站在你这边的。

    In the majority of cases , your teacher is on your side .

  4. 最高法院站在你这边。

    The Supreme Court is on your side .

  5. 假如运气站在你这边,你可能会获得不错的开始!

    If luck stands in you here , you may obtain pretty good beginning !

  6. 你也知道,我当然站在你这边

    You know that . Now , look , I 'm on your side ,

  7. 如果你投资养猪,就会让政府站在你这边。

    If you invest in pigs , you will have the government at your side .

  8. 而且他站在你这边

    And he 's on your side .

  9. 时间站在你这边。

    Time is on your side .

  10. 我们会站在你这边,在这路上的每一步中增强你的进化。

    We will stand at your side , augmenting your evolution each step of the way .

  11. 从现在开始,整个宇宙都会站在你这边,而不是和你对着干。

    From now on , the universe will be working with you , not against you !

  12. 我站在你这边。

    I 'm on your side .

  13. 马库斯我站在你这边你在证人席上时..

    Marcus , I 'm on your side , but when you 're on the stand ...

  14. 这是一个伦理栏目,所以从伦理角度讲,我站在你这边。

    This is an ethics column , so - ethically - I 'm on your side .

  15. 我记得你的名字,我只是让其他人站在你这边

    Oh I remember your name . I just like the others gaining up your side .

  16. 但是请不要给自己太大压力,我们总是站在你这边的!

    But do not pressure urself too much , and we are always standing by ur side !

  17. 也许那能让上帝站在你这边,对他来说,那让你更加危险。

    Perhaps let God on your side , to him , let you to be more dangerous .

  18. 提前做好准备,让尽可能多的同事站在你这边是很重要的

    And it 's important to anticipate this by getting as many colleagues as possible on your side ,

  19. 如果你想卖掉房子或者公寓,幸运女神是站在你这边的。

    If you are hoping to sell a condo or house , you have Lady Luck on your side .

  20. 我告诉他你有多么想要,并且也站在你这边据理力争了,可是他还是拒绝了。

    I told him how badly you wanted it and argued in favor of it , but he refused .

  21. 这就引出了第四课:为了让你的听众站在你这边,试着嘲笑愚蠢的第三方。

    Here is lesson four : to get your audience on your side , try laughing at a stupid third party .

  22. 协约国是指过去你曾在战争中打败过而现在站在你这边的国家。

    An ally is a nation which you beat in a war some time ago and which is now on your side .

  23. 有好几个日子你都会发现宇宙正站在你这边并在事业上帮你进步。

    There will be several days when you will see the universe is on your side and will help you advance professionally .

  24. 当你正确时,任何人都有肯能站在你这边,但是只有朋友会在你错误的时候与你并肩。

    Anyone can stand by you when you are right , but a friend will stand by you when you are wrong .

  25. 丘比特已经站在你这边了,但是你要请朋友帮帮忙会更容易找伴侣。

    Cupid is rooting for you now , but you 'll take your love jones higher with a little help from your friends .

  26. 不管她做错了什么,到了紧要关头,你还是会希望她站在你这边的。

    Nor matter what her flaws are , when push comes to shove , you 're gonna want that girl on your side .

  27. 相信自己全世界都站在你这边,一直以来你是最成功的!

    To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side , so long as you are true to the BEST that is in YOU !

  28. 贝斯:我知道的,但在我知道这一点之前就已经爱上你了。所以即使你是,我也会站在你这边,记住了。

    Beth : I know . But I fell in love with you before I knew that , so even if you were ... I 'm always gonna be . Remember that .

  29. 这看上去是一种干扰,但是如果你现在不帮助他们克服焦虑,他们就不会在你需要一个盟友、拍档或伙伴的时候站在你这边。

    This seems a distraction , but if you don 't help them overcome their anxieties now , they won 't be there for you when you need an ally , partner or associate .

  30. 她知道你什么都没做我是说艾玛她能识破谎言所以她知道我会站在你这边我会跟大家说你不能做坏事她会出现的所以我们才跑来这里对吧

    She knows you didn 't do anything . Emma , I mean . She can tell when people are lying , so ... She knows . And I 'll stand with you . I 'll tell everyone this isn 't possible . She 's going to turn up somewhere . That 's why we 're out here , right ?