
zhàn tái
  • platform;station;track;pile-planking;horse block
站台 [zhàn tái]
  • [platform] 车站上下乘客或装卸货物用的平台

站台[zhàn tái]
  1. 每个站台对应一个站台管理agent,每一个站台管理agent负责管理一个乘客agent队列。

    Each station corresponds to a station management agent which is responsible for managing a queue of passenger agents .

  2. 地铁站台气流状况现场测试及CFD模拟

    Filed test and CFD simulation of airflow in underground railway station platforms

  3. 停靠在1号站台的火车是开往利兹的。

    The train now standing at platform 1 is for Leeds .

  4. 停在第3站台的火车开往伦敦维多利亚站。

    The train standing at platform 3 is for London , Victoria .

  5. 她走下火车来到站台上。

    She stepped down from the train onto the platform .

  6. 去爱丁堡的火车在4号站台等候。

    The Edinburgh train is waiting at platform 4 .

  7. 火车从哪个站台发车?

    What platform does it go from ?

  8. 在盖特威克机场站的站台附近发现了一个无主袋子。

    An unattended bag was spotted near the platform at Gatwick

  9. 火车在站台边停下。

    The train pulled to a halt at the platform .

  10. 站台上的一幅巨幅广告牌吸引了她的注意力。

    An advertising hoarding on the platform caught her attention .

  11. 有人拍到了他们在站台接吻的照片。

    They were photographed kissing on the platform .

  12. 火车就快开了,可我还没到站台。

    The train was about to leave and I was not even on the platform .

  13. 这个女学生提着她的行李,在站台外东张西望,却看不见有接她的人。

    With her luggage in her hands , the girl stood looking round in all directions , but apparently no one had come to meet her .

  14. 他在站台上情绪不安地走来走去。

    He paced nervously up and down on the platform .

  15. 从上海开来的十四次列车停靠在二号站台。

    Train No.14 from Shanghai stops at platform no.2 .

  16. 站长也很感动,允许莫奈在火车站台上画画。

    The station master was also impressed and gave Monet permission to paint on the train platform .

  17. 莫奈需要得到许可才能在站台上待着,并用他的印象派风格画出他所看到的东西。

    Monet needed permission to spend time on the train platform and paint what he saw in his impressionistic style .

  18. 这一切都值得吗?莫奈那副火车场景的绘画令他的事业走向成功,而火车站站长的站台也因此声名远扬,直至今日。

    Was it all worthwhile ? Monet 's train scenes turned his career into a success and for the station master , made his train station famous until even now .

  19. 我们把他抬起送到站台上。

    We heave him onto the platform .

  20. 三个教授在站台上等火车。他们正在全神贯注地谈话。火车进站了,可是他们都没有注意到。这个时候,列车员喊道:“请上车了!”教授们听到后飞快地向火车跑去。

    There were three professors shouted , " Take your seats , please ! " The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train .

  21. 基于GIS的公交站台信息查询系统的开发

    Development of Bus-stop Information Query System Based on GIS

  22. CO、甲醛未见站台、站厅间差异。

    For CO and formaldehyde there was no significant difference between the platform and hall areas .

  23. 地铁岛式站台空调气流CFD模拟

    CFD Simulation of Air Distribution for Subway Island-platform

  24. 动物爬上站台后,让动物在站台上站立20s。

    After climbing on platform , animals stood on it for 20 s.

  25. 英国电信(bt)已开始在查林十字站(charingcross)的地铁站台上进行wifi试运行。

    BT is already running a trial of WiFi on the tube platform at Charing Cross station .

  26. CFD模拟结果与测试数据的比较表明,所选的湍流模型能正确模拟复杂的站台气流流动。

    The comparison results of CFD simulation and field tests show that the selected turbulence model can correctly simulate complicated airflow in the platforms .

  27. 因此,人物角色与目标的运用对于济南BRT站台导乘查询机触摸界面的设计提供了强大的理论支撑。

    Therefore , the use of characters and objectives for Jinan BRT is a strong theoretical support .

  28. 据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,北京地铁部门正在勉力维持便民拖鞋计划。有关部门推出这一计划的初衷是帮助高峰期上下地铁时意外将鞋掉入车厢和站台缝隙中的乘客。

    According to a report in the state-run China Daily , the Beijing subway authorities are struggling to maintain supplies for a temporary slipper replacement program they 've launched to help passengers who accidentally lose their flip-flops in rush-hour traffic .

  29. 下一章要讨论的是PRT概念车的附属站台设计。

    The next chapter to be discussed is a subsidiary site PRT concept car design .

  30. 介绍液化天然气灌装站的LNG分配器、岛式站台、消防系统、LNG公共汽车灌装程序及其保养设施等。

    The LNG dispenser , refueling island , fire suppression system , bus refueling operation sequence and maintenance facility , etc. of a LNG refueling station are introduced .