
  1. 控制爆破拆除深圳火车站人行地道

    Dismantlement of pedestrian tunnel in Shenzhen railway station with controlled blasting

  2. 轮式专用机械车运行过程中,允许在脚踏板上站人。

    When a wheeled machinery moves , people are allowed to stand on the footboard .

  3. 我手里的这个就是秤,上面有个站人的板。

    And on top of this scale is a little platform just like on your scale .

  4. 严禁载人行车,驾驶室内不得乘坐他人,严禁货叉升起时下面站人。

    Trucks must not carry passengers , nobody must stand under the forks at any time .

  5. 操作时,吊臂下严禁站人。应注意吊臂和吊钩的速度和位置,避免发生事故。

    Pay attention to the speed and the position of the lifting jib and the lifting hook so as to avoid accidents .

  6. 古驿站人引以为傲的四绝是:城墙,古庙,牧羊泉和古树洞。

    Local people are so proud of the four miracles of the ancient courier station , namely the city walls , ancient temples , Shepard Spring and ancient tree hole .

  7. 他还解释说当他意识到袭击发生时,他急忙冲进空间站人后抓住一部最近的相机,找到一扇能够看到纽约的窗户准备拍照。

    Culbertson explained that upon learning of the attacks he rushed around the station until he found a window that would give him a view of New York and grabbed the nearest camera .

  8. 那次试行共持续了三周,结果证明,扶梯两侧同时站人可以有效减少30%的拥堵——在高峰时段,扶梯每小时可载16220人次。但以前左行右立的时候,每小时只有12745人次通过。

    The previous test , which lasted for three weeks , showed that standing actually reduced congestion by 30 per cent - 16220 people an hour were able to travel on the escalator during rush hour compared to the usual 12745 when both standing and walking are allowed .