
  • 网络STANCE;Posture;Standing Posture;Standing
  1. 女侦探改变了站姿,把重心从一只脚移到另一只脚。

    The woman detective shifted her stance from one foot to another .

  2. 他的表情和站姿没有透露出半点威胁的意味。

    There was no menace in his face or stance .

  3. Takethewalltest做墙壁测试(做靠墙测试)用墙壁测试来看看你的站姿是否正确。

    To test your standing posture , take the wall test .

  4. 但Spot只是向一旁蹒跚了几步,迅速恢复了站姿。

    However , Spot simply staggers sideways a few steps and easily regains its footing .

  5. 正确的姿势有助于保持这些生理弯曲,而错误的姿势则相反——其将压迫或拉伸肌肉并引起疼痛。Goodstandingposture正确的站姿

    Good posture helps maintain these natural curves , while poor posture does the opposite - which can stress or pull muscles and cause pain .

  6. 这位前陆军军官身着考究但不张扬的蓝色西装,站姿仍不失军人的笔挺。一个超现实的开场问题让他犯了难:如果把johnlewis比作奶酪的话,它会属于哪种奶酪?

    The former army officer dressed in a smart but not ostentatious blue suit and still carrying the upright bearing of his early career is perplexed by a surreal opening salvo : what kind of cheese would John Lewis be ?

  7. 乔治的主人安德烈·帕克把它的很多照片上传到脸书和Instagram之后,网友们立刻被乔治的蠢萌站姿吸引,现在乔治的粉丝数量直线上升。

    When his owner Andrew Park posted a series of pictures on his George2Legs Facebook and Instagram accounts , commenters went crazy for the cute cat and now George has a growing fan base of thousands .

  8. 你要有一个平衡稳定的站姿,并且时刻准备着运动。

    You wanna be in a balanced position ready to move .

  9. 软塌塌的站姿往往表明这个人缺乏安全感、内疚或软弱。

    A slumped position usually indicates insecurity , guilt , or weakness .

  10. 一旦掌握好了站姿,你就可以学习转身了。

    Once you have the posture , you can learn the turn .

  11. 他的站姿就像一个歪歪扭扭的问号。

    His posture would be unsatisfactory for a question mark .

  12. 站姿笔直一点,既可以让你更有信心,又可以让你看上去更高。

    Increase your confidence and gain inches by standing straighter .

  13. 与站姿腿长、体重无显著性相关。

    And standing leg length , body weight significantly correlated .

  14. 在面试之前,练习充满力量的站姿也会提高现场的表现。

    Practicing power poses right before an interview can also increase performance .

  15. 而这一些都取决于他们的站姿。

    And it all comes down to how they stand .

  16. 站姿稳固,同时辅以适量肢体语言以便更直观的表达感情。

    Stand steadily while utilizing body language to assist to deliver your emotions .

  17. 他下的动作非常完美,双脚并拢,成站姿。

    His dismount was perfect with the feet together in a standing position .

  18. 这是从山式开始的站姿的一个共同的主题。

    This is a common theme in the standing poses beginning with Tadasana .

  19. 身体的战斗站姿包括:平衡、统一、重心分布、姿势。

    Physical fighting stances involve balance , alignment , weight distribution , and posture .

  20. 平日父母应训练孩子保持良好坐姿或站姿的好习惯。

    Parents should teach their child the importance of good sitting and standing posture .

  21. 我一直坐着,她是站姿,我如何能够踢到她?

    I was seated , she was standing , how could I kick her ?

  22. 便携式站姿、坐姿人体平衡测试系统的研制

    The Development of Portable Body Balance Testing System for Posture of Standing and Sitting

  23. 山式站姿,手放在髋部。

    Stand in Tadasana , hands on hips .

  24. 因为握杆有问题,你的站姿肯定也会有问题。

    Coz if you grip is bad , your posture can 't be good .

  25. 但你的站姿错了,不要正对着我,身体侧一点,对,就是这样。

    Now you are standing wrong . Turn your body sideface , yes , so .

  26. 站姿坐姿都保持笔直,要有眼神交流,还有记得微笑。

    Stand and sit up straight , make eye contact , and remember to smile .

  27. 在沙坑中,一定要有一个足够宽的站姿来支撑你的挥杆。

    You gotta have a nice wide stance in the bunker to support your swing .

  28. 自然站姿下,大腿骨与骨盆成约90度连接;

    In a natural stance , the femur joins the pelvis at approximately a90-degree angle ;

  29. 在犬保持自然站姿时,脚垫既不外翻,也不内侧。

    The paws neither turn in nor out when the dog is in natural stance .

  30. 如果站姿高而且僵硬,你将不能够做到这一点。

    You won 't be able to do that if you stand tall and stiff .