
  1. 元朝政府对站赤的管理。

    Third , how did Yuan Dynasty government manage the courier station .

  2. 元代站赤的影响。

    Sixth , the influence of courier station .

  3. 通过研究,可以推断两件站赤登记簿产生于元代后期,两件文书时间应有先后。

    According to concerned studies , it can be inferred that these two post registry books belong to late Yuan , and in different time order .

  4. 屯垦点、站赤(驿站)和急递铺的设立与昭通回族社区和清真寺的建立之间有着直接的对应关系。

    The establishment of Station troops , Courier station and Urgent dispatch post station are directly corresponded with the establishment of the Hui community in Zhaotong and mosque .