- 名Department of International Cooperation

Participants who have completed study successfully in the training workshop will be awarded a certificate issued by the Department of International Cooperation of MOST .
Office of European Affairs , Department of of International Cooperation , MAC .
Ministry of Health of the International Cooperation Division , attended the meeting and Mr Ren Minghui .
Nguyen Thi Bich , Director of the Finance Ministry 's International Cooperation Department , believes Vietnam is Well Prepared for the ASEAN group 's move toward zero internal tariffs .
Wang Xiaopin , an official with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China , says the country 's holistic medical practice has had a far reaching influence on global medical development .
" Australia has more experience in developing agriculture in arid areas , which we hope China can learn from ," says Wang Qiang , a senior official at China 's Ministry of Science and Technology .
China has become Asia 's most popular destination for overseas students , said Li Hai , deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of China 's Ministry of Education , at a press conference last month .