
  • Site;website
  1. 你想给这个站点做书签吗?

    Do you want to bookmark this site ?

  2. 因为,在你的周围有很多网站,那么你怎么才能使人们记住你的站点呢

    There are millions of websites around , what makes people remember your site ?

  3. 当导游在每个站点分享独特的史实时,您可以探索国家广场上的纪念碑和纪念馆。

    Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop .

  4. 报刊亭也可以成为WiFi站点。通过电子显示屏显示各类文化演出信息。

    Newsstands could be built as Wi-Fi spots with electronic signboards showing all kinds of cultural information .

  5. SiteManagement导航到创建和管理站点框架以及目录分类。

    Site Management navigation to create and manage site framework and category taxonomy .

  6. 例如,一个Web站点支持多国语言。

    For example , a Web site supports multiple national languages .

  7. 如何将新选票添加到Web站点呢?

    How do you add new polls to the Web site ?

  8. 财政局设立Web站点。

    DSF has set up a web station for this purpose .

  9. “浏览共用web站点以查找打印机”

    " Browse a common web site to find printers "

  10. 假定Web站点要求每个用户创建一个登录名。

    Say your Web site requires each user to create a login .

  11. 开发兼顾效益和效率的Web站点信息系统

    Develop a Web-sited information system meets both benefit and efficiency

  12. 其他有用的专用爬虫包括Web站点检查器。

    Other useful specialized crawlers include Web site checkers .

  13. 地图Web站点,用于查找驾车路线

    A map Web site to find driving directions

  14. 编辑News站点并添加模板映射和菜单组件

    Edit the News site and add template mappings and a menu component

  15. 很少有Web站点遇到这些问题。

    Few Web sites encounter these problems .

  16. 大多数博客其实是Web站点。

    Most blogs are really Web sites .

  17. 此外,您还会了解为何要对自己的Web站点使用数据驱动技术。

    Also , learn why you should use data-driven techniques for your own Web sites .

  18. 让我们回到前面关于Web站点徽标更新的示例。

    Let 's go back to our previous example about the Web site logo update .

  19. FinanceWeb站点以获得报价信息。

    Finance Web site to obtain quote information .

  20. Web站点和开发人员Web门户

    Web sites and developer Web portals

  21. 使用安全internet站点进行交易

    Using secure Internet sites for transactions

  22. 设置Web站点名称。

    Set Web site name .

  23. 图书馆Web站点的信息构建

    Information Architecture of Library Website

  24. 有该名称的文档可以放在Web站点的通用入口点。

    A document with this name can be placed at common entry points for a Web site .

  25. 该Web站点甚至描述了如何编制异常以便给出用户合适的语法提示。

    The Web site even describes how you can tailor exceptions to give your user targetted syntax hints .

  26. 要运行示例站点,您至少需要在本地主机上运行一个基本的Web服务器。

    To run the example site , you need at least a basic Web server running on localhost .

  27. 要测试您的第一个小部件,在任何公共Web站点输入这个XML文件。

    To test your first widget , enter this XML file in any public Web site .

  28. 一些客户尤其可能从其站点与eXtremeScale的集成中获益

    Some customers are especially likely to benefit from integrating their site with eXtreme Scale

  29. 财经Web站点,例如银行或投资机构的站点,您用于监视自己的金融投资组合

    A financial Web site , like that of a bank or investment institution , to monitor your financial portfolio

  30. 本文讨论的应用程序旨在帮助您在办公室以外的环境下诊断Web站点问题。

    The application discussed here is designed to assist with triaging Web-site problems when you are out of the office .