
  • 网络Reagent Blank;LRB
  1. 在聚乙烯醇存在下,溶液保持清亮并发生显著的颜色变化,当以试剂空白参比时,波峰λmax位于585nm处。

    In the presence of polyvinyl alcohol the solution was transparent and a distinct color change occurred . The ε max and λ min of the absorption spectrum are at 585 nm and 525 nm against reagent blank , respectively .

  2. 采用二甲基乙二肟沉淀分离钯,以相应试剂空白消除镍干扰。

    The dimethyl glyoxime was used to precipitate and separate palladium , the corresponding reagent blank was used to eliminate the disturbance of nickel .

  3. Na2S2O3在碱性染料高灵敏显色反应中降低试剂空白的研究&大米中痕量砷的测定

    Study of the reduction of blank agent by applying sodium thiosulfate in the process of super sensitivity color reaction of the basic dye & spectrophotometric determination of Trace Arsenic in Rice

  4. 通过大量实验,研究了不同试剂空白对汽油铅含量测定的影响。

    An experimental study is made on the effects of different reagent blanks on the determination of plumbum content in gasoline .

  5. 试剂空白低,选择性高。采用聚氨酯泡沫塑料分离富集化探样品中痕量金,并用本法测定,得到满意的结果。

    Combining with the separation and preconcentration of gold by polyurethane foam , the method is applied to determination of gold in some geological samples .

  6. 中子活化分析法测汞具有灵敏、准确、无试剂空白、能作多元素同时分析的优点。

    NAA ( neutron activation analysis ) and AFS ( atomic fluorescence analysis ), for determining mercury in human hair on the basis of the authors'experience .

  7. 测定海水中的氮化合物时,对浑浊水样过滤及试剂空白测定的初步研究

    A preliminary study on filtration of turbid sea water samples and on determining the blank of reagents in the determination of nitrogen compounds in sea water

  8. 利用氢气发生器提供氢气形成纯净、稳定的氩氢火焰,有效降低了火焰噪声,大幅减小了酸的使用量,显著降低了试剂空白值;

    As a pure and steady Ar-H2 flame was formed Providing H2 by hydrogen generator , the flame noise and the method detection limit has been reduced greatly .

  9. 为了避免或减少试剂空白和样品空白的干扰,生化自动分析仪一般选择反应指示物的吸收峰对应的波长作为检测波长。

    In order to avoid interference of reagent blank and sample blank , for the biochemical autoanalyzer the absorbent peak of reaction indicator is chosen as test wavelength .

  10. 该预处理方法具有操作简便、试剂引入的空白值低、多元素同时测定程度高和低酸度条件下操作等优点,在实际分析中取得了较好的成果。

    The method is simple , easy for use , low blank value , simultaneous determination for impurities and low acid operation .

  11. 在地下水环境质量监测中对挥发酚的质量控制应采取以下措施:提纯4&氨基安替比林试剂、降低空白值的吸光度、确定检测限、空白试验的质量控制图、校准曲线的检验、考核样品的测定。

    We should take following steps to control quality of volatile hydroxybenzene in ground water quality monitoring : Purify 4-AAP reagent reduce absorbency of blank value , determine detect limit , make quality control chart of blank assay , verify calibration curve and determine examining sample .

  12. 4-氨基安替比林(4-AAP)试剂易吸潮结块并受空气氧化,从而使试剂空白值明显增高,必要时可将4-AAP试剂纯化。

    4-AAP ( 4-Aminoantipyrine ) is easy to be slaked and oxided in the air , and it causes an increase of the blank absorptance during determination of phenols with 4-AAP .