
shì jiào
  • practice teaching
  1. 体育与健康课试教理论与实践的探讨

    Probe ins the Teaching Theory and Practice of P-E and Health Class

  2. 在小学试教代数的实验研究

    A psychological study on experimental teaching of algebra to primary school children

  3. 天津市中、小学《体育与健康》课程试教情况的调查&以运动技能领域的教学目标与教学内容为实证材料

    Survey on Physical Education and Health Curriculum of Middle and Elementary Schools in Tianjin

  4. “试教”是从学生到教师进行角色转换的必修课。

    Trial teaching is a required course which change the role from student to teacher .

  5. 计算机辅助教学系统开发新尝试微格教学的一种新尝试&接力试教

    New Methods in Development Computer Aided Instruction Relay Trial Teaching & One Practice of Micro Teaching

  6. 本文论述的是接力试教的必要性、际操作与效果。

    This paper discusses the necessity of relay trial teaching and its operation as well as effect .

  7. 在调查基础上和试教修订后完成编订上海市老年大学声乐综合教材(初级)。

    After investigation and teaching practice , Author compiled primary comprehensive vocal materials for the Third Age University of Shanghai .

  8. 在互联网技术的快速发展和医院信息化建设的大背景下,数字病理切片的应用使得临床病理试教的方式与过程得到了改善,从而为有效地加速培养病理医生提供了良好条件。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology and the informatization of hospitals , the use of digital slides makes the clinical pathology processing better , and effectively accelerate training pathologist ?

  9. 通过提问、模拟试教、课堂试教等方法,加强学生口头表达能力的培养。

    In this paper , the author claims that the students ' skills of verbal expression can be enhanced by raising questions , simulation of trial teaching , trial teaching in class and so on .

  10. 在高中一年级物理试教中,对A层次的内容,采取了指导阅读的教学方法,达到使学生会读书的目的;

    In physical teaching in the first grade senior high school . the teaching method of guided reading was adopted to the content of A grade in order to cultivate students ' ability to study independently .

  11. 师范院校专业教师与中学语文教师在学生语文教学实习的准备、试教、巩固这三个阶段中发挥着各自不同的作用,为中学语文教学实习的顺利完成提供了双重的保证。

    Major professors from normal university and Chinese teachers in high school play different roles in the three period of time of preparation , teaching practice and reinforcement , thus offers the double security to the success of high school Chinese teaching practice .

  12. 她在试着教他弹吉他。

    She was trying to teach him to play the guitar .

  13. 比如:两年前,布朗曾试着教Watson掌握“城市词典”(UrbanDictionary)网站上的词汇。

    Case in point : two years ago , brown attempted to teach Watson the urban dictionary .

  14. Gloria试过教Manny。

    Gloria tried to tutor Manny .

  15. 我试着教这些孩子交流能力。

    I try to teach these kids a sense of community .

  16. 我在试着教你一系列的技巧。

    I 'm trying to teach you a skill set .

  17. 我父亲试着教我人类的情绪。

    My father tried to teach me human emotions .

  18. 天啊!我们试著教白雪公主怎样开枪…

    We tried to teach Snow White to shoot ...

  19. 是的,我试着教你。

    Lightman : Yeah , well , I 'm trying to teach you .

  20. 我试着教她橙子的那个就是叩叩-是谁

    I try to tell her the oranges one . That the . - Knock knock . - Who 's there ?

  21. 嗯,我可以试着教你,但是还得靠你自己去做,因为那些能力是教不会的。

    Well , I can try to teach you , but you will really have to work on your own because they can 't be taught .

  22. 一起去看的那场球赛,或者他在你小时曾试着教你体验的一种感情,可能你那时是不感兴趣的。

    Go to that ball game together or explore a passion he tried to teach you as a kid and you just weren 't interested at that time .

  23. 他和我一起坐了一两天,我试着去教他。

    For one or two days he sat down with me , and I tried to teach him .

  24. 他和我一起坐了一两天,我试着去教他。但没错,他确实对这项工作不感兴趣,也不打算去领会。

    For one or two days he sat down with me , and I tried to teach him . But it was true , he was not interested in the work , and he did not try to understand it .

  25. Bob是我的教练,他努力试着把他教给我的东西全都抛开,尝试一些完全不同的东西。

    Bob is my coach , he 's trying to , he said to me that he is going to put everything that he 's done coaching me , throw it out the door , and try something completely different .