
  • 网络rhetorical features;rhetorical coloring
  1. 从语义理据来看,英汉俚语的一大特点就是带有鲜明的修辞色彩。

    In terms of semantic motivation , a major feature of English and Chinese slang is that they have distinctive rhetorical features .

  2. 英语抽象名词的修辞色彩及其思维投射

    On the Rhetorical Features of the English Abstract Noun and Its Reflection of Thought

  3. 英文报刊杂志标题的修辞色彩

    The Rhetoric Flavor in English For Newspapers , Periodicals and Magazines

  4. 不对称性四字格实用性强,使用频率高,具有鲜明的修辞色彩。

    The asymmetry four-character structure has strong practicality and high usage frequency .

  5. 这就会突出隐喻的修辞色彩,而准确意义却变得模糊。

    The rhetorical color of metaphor is focused and the exact meaning is blurred .

  6. 粉彩色地花鸟四方瓶以带修辞色彩的方式。

    Square-shaped powder enamel coloured ground vase with flower and bird design in a rhetorical manner .

  7. 以带修辞色彩的方式。

    In a rhetorical manner .

  8. 俄语词序有很大的自由度,但要受词汇、语法、交际目的和修辞色彩的限制,不能任意安排。

    Russian word order is very flexible , but it is limited by vocabulary , grammar , communication aims and rhetoric function .

  9. 从俄语熟语的语法特点,修辞色彩以及俄汉成语和熟语的民族特点三个方面阐述了使用俄语熟语时应注意的问题。

    Based on the grammatical and rhetorical characteristics of Russian idioms and national features between Russian-Chinese languages discussion is made on the application of Russian idioms .

  10. 磁带中的萨达姆用他所特带有修辞色彩的风格劝告人们不要相信那些造谣的人。人指责被驱逐的萨达姆及他的追随者制造了纳杰夫爆炸案。

    Using Saddam 's well-known rhetorical style , the voice urged the Iraqi people not to believe those who blamed the ousted dictator and his followers for Friday 's attack on the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf .

  11. 让每一位读者按照他自己的品味去尽量填加修辞的色彩吧。

    Let every reader lay on as much of the royal rhetorical colour as he finds to his taste .

  12. 在分析《广东新语》特征时主要侧重其一个小的方面,即诗化艺术特征,主要从内容叙写富有诗意性、语言运用富有诗化特征、修辞结构富诗化色彩三个方面论述。

    In the analysis of Guangdong language features , the main focus on one small aspect , namely poetic art features that the descriptions of the contents of poetic , full of poetic features of language and rhetorical structure poetic color .

  13. 副名结构具有口语色彩浓书面语色彩弱、丰富的表现力和语言张力、运用修辞格展现修辞效果、重色彩义表达强烈情感、模糊意象可以激发想象力等丰富的表达效果。

    Adverb-noun structure has the colorful expressive effects of strong written language , weak spoken language , rich expressive features and linguistic tension , rhetorical effects shown by the application of figures of speech , strong emotions revealed by color meanings and stimulating imagination via fuzzy images .