
  • 网络workover rig;service rig;well servicing unit
  1. 文中分析了各类型号修井机的功能和特点,提出了在修井过程中存在的问题;

    The paper analyses functions and characteristics of all kinds of workover rig , proposes out existing problems during well workover .

  2. 车载无绷绳电动修井机能够有效降低修井作业中工人的劳动强度,提高修井作业速度。

    The vehicle-mounted electric workover rig without guy wire can effectively reduce labor intensity during the workover operation and improve the speed of workover operation .

  3. 对80t海洋修井机井架进行了有限元计算。

    Finite element analysis of a mast type derrick of 80 t offshore workover rig is carried out .

  4. 14×8运载车(XD70/14×8)主要用于组装150t修井机、3000m钻机。

    The 14 × 8 carrier ( XD70 / 14 × 8 ) is mainly used for assemble 150 ton work-over rig and 3000 meter drilling rig .

  5. 修井机主滚筒直接用带行星变速器的液马达驱动,液压变速采用DA控制,液压控制只需改变发动机转速,系统就能正常工作。

    The main drum of workover rig is directly driving by hydraulic motor with planetary transmission , and DA control is used in hydraulic transmission . Hydraulic control only need to change rotary speed of engine , and the system will function properly .

  6. HRL-142型不压井修井机液压系统

    Hydraulic System of HRL-142 Pressure Balancing Workover Rigs

  7. 针对现有常规修井机存在的能量浪费现象,研制成节能型XXJ300/500液压蓄能修井机。

    In the light of the status of energy waste of conventional workover rigs , Model XXJ300 / 500 hydraulic energy-storing workover rig is developed .

  8. 南阳石油机械厂研制的12×8运载车(XD60/12×8),主要用于组装120t修井机和200m钻机,其气控系统可实现油门。

    12 × 8 truck ( XD60 / 12 × 8 ) developed by Nanyang Petroleum Machinery Works is used for assembling 120t workover rigs and 2000m drilling rigs .

  9. ZJ30车装钻机是一种可作为大型修井机和轻型钻机的两用新型钻机,并车箱是其动力传动系统的核心部件。

    ZJ30 truck-mounted rig can be used as both large-scale workover rig and light rig , and the compounding transmission is the core part of its transmission system .

  10. 介绍了国产沙漠修井机采用自走式结构、降低移运高度和移运重量并满足4500m左右深井试油及大修要求的设计方案;

    The design scheme of home-made desert workover rig , which adopts self-propelled structure with lowered transport height and weight and can satisfy the requirement of servicing on deep oil wells , is introduced ;

  11. 有闭锁离合器的阿里逊传动装置在修井机中的应用

    Application of ALLISON Transmission Device with Lockup Clutch to Work-over Rig

  12. 海洋修井机侧钻能力计算

    The new calculating of well service unit in side tracking ability

  13. 井架是修井机的关键部件,承受主要的载荷。

    Derrick is the key component , bearing the main load .

  14. 列举了这种修井机的主要技术参数和性能特点;

    Its main technical parameters and performance characteristics are listed ;

  15. 全液压一体化不压井修井机的研制与应用

    The Development and Application for All Hydraulic Unitization Live Well Workover Rig

  16. 修井机管箍检测技术研究与监控系统设计

    Study on Workover Rig Pipe Hoop Testing Technology and Monitoring System Design

  17. 四川油气田修井机现状与发展

    Status quo and development of workover rigs in Sichuan Oilfield

  18. XXJ300/600液压蓄能修井机的技术改进

    The improvement to XXJ300 / 600 hydraulic energy-storing workover rig

  19. 修井机用柴油机与液力变矩器的最佳匹配

    Optimum match of prime motor used in workover rig with hydraulic torque converter

  20. 修井机井架的静强度与疲劳分析

    Analysis of static strength and fatigue life of oil derrick for workover rig

  21. 自走式滩涂修井机转向系的设计

    Design of steering system of beach self-propelled workover rig

  22. 滩涂修井机机动性能设计计算

    Design and Calculation Of Flexibility of beach Workover Rig

  23. 修井机液压辅助强拔装置的研制

    Development of the Hydraulic Pulling Device Aid Workover Rig

  24. 基于Pro/E的海洋修井机井架静态设计

    The static design of ocean workover rig derrick based on Pro / E

  25. 海洋修井机底座有限元分析及优化设计

    The finite element analysis and optimized design of the offshore workover rig base

  26. 对不压井修井机推广应用的几点看法

    Some Views on Extensive Application of Snubbing Units

  27. 修井机刹车装置实践探讨

    Discussion on brake device practice of workover rig

  28. 功率回收型液压修井机的设计研究

    Design Study on Power Recovery Hydraulic Workover Rig

  29. 修井机角传动箱螺旋锥齿轮热处理变形的控制

    Deformation Control of Spiral Bevel Gears During Heat-treatment

  30. 滩涂修井机车架的设计折叠式机车柴油机升降翻转架

    Design of framework of beach workover rigs A foldable lifter-dumper for locomotive diesel engines