
  • 网络remedial work;workover
  1. 随着油气井开发进入中后期,地层压力下降,在低压油井的修井作业中压井液常常漏失污染储层。

    The kill fluids tend to leak and contaminate the formation in the low pressure wells while workover .

  2. 气井修井作业中,如何确立压井参数和选择压井方法,对高压气井修井作业举足轻重。

    During gas well workover treatment with high pressure , it is very important to determine kill parameter and select kill method .

  3. 修井作业HSE管理体系的变更管理

    The Change Management System of HSE in Well Maintenance

  4. 在石油与天然气生产过程中,修井作业是一个重要的环节。

    Workover operation is important in the oil and gas production .

  5. 修井作业配套井控装置的研制与应用

    Development and application of well control device for well servicing operation

  6. 抽油井修井作业中抽油杆净油工具的研制

    Development of rod absolute oil tool in workover operations of pumping wells

  7. 修井作业中的自动起下管柱系统探讨

    Discussion on an Automated Tripping System for Downhole Pipe String

  8. 本实用新型应用于石油开采的修井作业中。

    The utility model is used for repairing wells of oil exploitation .

  9. 井下作业外部市场的开拓,对修井作业员工的素质提出了较高的要求。

    Developing external markets in downhole service requires well workover operators'higher quality .

  10. 新型修井作业机械化系统离线编程与仿真控制研究

    Off-line Programming and Simulation Control of New Mechanized Workover System

  11. 火烧驱油高压注气井修井作业实践

    The workover treatment practice of wells with high-pressure injected air in situ combustion

  12. 新型修井作业起升系统设计及仿真研究

    Design and Simulation Research on a New Type of Workover Operation Hoisting System

  13. 自动化修井作业钳设计及其液压系统仿真研究

    Design of Automatic Power Tong for Workover and Simulation of Its Hydraulic System

  14. 井下视像系统在修井作业中的应用

    Application of Downhole BTV Unit in Well Workover Jobs

  15. 储层保护技术在低压井修井作业中的应用

    Application of reservoir protection techniques in workover job of low pressure oil well

  16. 卡瓦是在不压井修井作业中起下管柱的重要夹紧工具。

    Slip is an important clamping tool in the process of workover operation .

  17. 胜利油田修井作业工程项目管理研究

    Research on Shengli Oil Field Downhole Service Project Management

  18. 油田修井作业气动卡盘

    Pneumatic Chuck Used in Oil - Well Repair

  19. 暂堵技术是在修井作业过程中保护油气层的一种有效方法。

    Temporary plugging technology is one of the valid methods of reservoir protection during the workover job .

  20. 复动轮可旋转180°,以便在修井作业时让出井口。

    The compound-motion wheel can rotate by 180 ° so as to abdicate the wellhead in well servicing .

  21. 目前在油田修井作业中起下管柱的人工作业量大、工作效率低、危险性大、工作条件差。

    Along with the development of oil and gas production , well workover has become a indispensable work .

  22. 随着油井在修井作业中对环境保护的要求越来越来严格,泄油器成为必备的井下工具。

    As requirements on environmental protection in workover operation are stricter , bleeder is a necessary well tool .

  23. 论述了新型油田修井作业气动卡盘的结构和工作原理。

    The structure and working principle of a new type pneumatic chuck used in oil well repair were introduced .

  24. 我国东部注水开发后期油田的高含水油井普遍存在修井作业中修井液漏失问题。

    Fluid often has leakage in producing zone of high water cut production wells during the remedial and stimulating operations .

  25. 这些程序的制定和贯彻是为了在钢丝和修井作业中提供连续性和最小风险。

    These procedures have been prepared and implemented to provide consistency and minimize risk during Wire line and Work-over operations .

  26. 在油田修井作业中,井口自封装置在安全生产、环境保护等方面发挥了重要作用。

    The key technique and the characteristics of the vacuum header , seal device and vacuum box are focused on .

  27. 目前决定修井作业水平的关键是现场技术人员的经验和能力。

    At present , the key of the work over level is the scene technical personnel 's experience and the ability .

  28. 为满足浅海采油平台修井作业的需要,研制成浅海采修一体化平台。

    In order to meet the need of workover treatment , the integrated platform for production and workover treatment is developed .

  29. 室内试验和现场应用表明,氯化钙重晶石压井液体系适合于高压油气井修井作业。

    Lab tests and field applications show that the kill fluid system are suitable to high pressure oil and gas well workovers .

  30. 修井作业动作的快速准确不仅与负载有关系而且还与机械系统、液压系统、电气系统有关。

    The accuracy and speed of workover action is related to the load , mechanical system , hydraulic system , electrical system .