
  • 网络Internal Market;Intemal Mar-kets
  1. 构造内部市场价值链&兼论EVA绩效管理与激励系统的改进

    Constructing Internal Market Value Chain & A nd on Improving EVA Performance Management and Incentive System

  2. 即便是欧盟(eu)内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)这样著名的自由市场倡导者,也对主权基金表示担心。

    Even Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner , a leading champion of free markets , is concerned about sovereign funds .

  3. 欧盟内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)的发言人表示,欧盟的评估将包括暗池。

    The Brussels review would now include dark pools , said a spokesman for Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner .

  4. 近年来,中石油集团公司(以下简称CNPC)内部市场逐步开放,专业化重组改制不断深入进行。

    With the inner market of China National Petroleum Company ( CNPC ) step by step opened , the combination of professional companies will be performed .

  5. 本周,欧盟内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)表示,“具有保护主义色彩的”美国立法可能促使欧盟采取单独行动。

    This week Charlie McCreevy , the internal market commissioner , said the " protectionist " US legislation might prompt a separate action by the EU .

  6. 欧盟内部市场专员米歇尔巴尔尼埃(michelbarnier)表示,长期而言,这些措施将对欧洲有利,因为它们可以防范2008年金融危机重演。

    Michel Barnier , the EU internal market commissioner , said the measures would benefit Europe in the long run by preventing a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis .

  7. 玛雅·布伊娜,凯莎·布坎南和塞欧翰·多娜茜已向欧盟商标局的内部市场协调局OHIM提交申请,对该组合名称进行注册。

    Mutya Buena , Keisha Buchanan and Siobhan Donaghy have applied to register the name with the European Union 's trademark office OHIM .

  8. 欧盟委员会内部市场总司长乔根霍尔姆奎斯特(jrgenholmquist)在给iasb的信中,敦促其“赶紧”考虑进一步的改革措施。

    In the letter to IASB , J rgen Holmquist , director general of internal markets at the European Commission , urges the IASB " urgently " to consider further changes .

  9. 试论内部市场化管理模式的激励相容约束机制

    On Design of Internal Market Management Model under Limited of Incentive

  10. 西方寻租理论与我国石油内部市场

    Occidental Rent-Seeking Theory and the Chinese Petroleum Industry 's Internal Market

  11. 内部市场化是企业进行管理的一种很重要的手段。

    Internal marketization is an important method for the enterprise management .

  12. 介绍了企业内部市场化的定义及理论依据;

    The definition and theoretical basis of internal market-led management are introduced .

  13. 建立内部市场和经济与货币联盟是欧洲一体化取得的重要成就。

    Internal Market and Monetary Union are significant achievements of European integration .

  14. 创新人才机制,促进内部市场竞争;

    Innovating talents system to promote internal market competition ;

  15. 企业内部市场定价:基于行为的理论模型

    Pricing in Internal Markets within Corporations : A Model Based on Organizational Behavior

  16. 论企业内部市场化条件下的管理审计

    Management audit based on the enterprises ' internal market

  17. 发电企业内部市场体制改革与提高竞争力的探讨

    The Research of Internal Market System Reform and Competitiveness Improvement of Electric Power Enterprise

  18. 推行企业内部市场化的意义

    The Significance of Promoting Enterprise 's Internal Market

  19. 竞争和内部市场是神圣不可侵犯的。

    Competition and the internal market are sacrosanct .

  20. 如果通过外部市场,进行中间产品的交易,就会提高交易成本,所以,企业不得不以企业内部市场代替外部市场。

    So the enterprises have to employ the interior market instead of the external .

  21. 构建内部市场模拟资本经营

    Building inside market and simulating capital operation

  22. 内部市场化在质量控制中的应用

    Application of internal marketing in quality control

  23. 企业内部市场化解析

    The Analysis of Market-Orientation within the Enterprises

  24. 从联邦德国看1992年欧洲内部市场

    The single European market in 1992 : the perspective of the Federal Republic of Germany

  25. 但欧委会的评估结果显示,内部市场建设几乎处于停滞状态。

    But the evaluation from the Commission showed that the single market is almost stagnated .

  26. 内部市场整个再生产过程的顺利进行依赖于稳定的劳动力要素投入和商品需求。

    The reproduction process of Internal Market relies on stable labour input and product demand .

  27. 总体而言,欧盟内部市场一体化的进程远未完成,尤其是服务一体化进展缓慢。

    All in all , the internal market integration is not completed especially in services integration .

  28. 随后本文对企业在实行内部市场化的时候的一般做法进行了分析。

    Then , this paper analyzed the general practice for the enterprises implementing the internal marketizations .

  29. 企业内部市场交易费用分析

    Analysis of Cost of Intra-corporation Transaction

  30. 目前,我国的军工企业在推行企业内部市场化管理的方面进行了很多的尝试。

    Now the military industrial enterprises of our country have attempt to the inner marketable management .