
  • 网络dmu;DMUS
  1. 金轮号内燃动车组动车的研制

    Development of Jinlun DMU

  2. 神州号内燃动车组监控装置制动计算参数及三显示区段监控模式的选择

    Selection of braking calculation parameters for " SHEN ZHOU " HAO DMU monitoring device and monitor modes for three-aspect section

  3. 基于TCN技术的内燃动车组列车通信网络

    The Train Communications Network on DMUs Based on TCN Technology

  4. 文章主要阐述了基于TCN标准的某内燃动车组智能显示单元IDU的硬件组成、软件实现及其内部控制逻辑关系,并介绍了其主要功能。

    This paper presents the hardware and software of the intelligent display unit based on TCN standard on DMU , and it 's main functions .

  5. 就其运行的适应性和舒适性来讲,当代内燃动车组(DMUs)在运行性能、乘坐舒适度和环境保护方面都取得了很大的进步。

    In terms of running flexibility and comfort , the contemporary Diesel Multiple Unit ( DMUs ) have made great progress in operating performance , ride comfort and environmental protection .

  6. 介绍了内燃动车组列车控制与通信网络(TCN)的拓扑结构及其组成、通信及重联控制,阐述了各主要部件的功能。

    Described are the topologic structure and its composition of the train control and communications network ( TCN ), communications and double-heading control on DMUs . The functions of main parts are expounded .

  7. 昆明双层内燃动车组的开发设计

    Utilizing and Designing for KUNMING Double Layer Diesel Motor Train Set

  8. 内燃动车组研制中应当注意的几个问题

    Several Points for Attention in Development of Diesel Multiple Units

  9. 双层内燃动车组野战柴油发电机组可靠性指标研究

    The study of field diesel gen - sets ' reliability

  10. 首列单层内燃动车组(NYJ1型)拖车设计

    Design of Trailer in the First Single - Deck Diesel Multiple Units

  11. 内燃动车组牵引方案性能探讨

    Discussion on Scheme for Traction Performance of Power Cars

  12. 和谐号内燃动车组人性化设计应用

    Application of Humanity Design of " Hexiehao " DMUs

  13. 21世纪我国铁路短途运输内燃动车组

    Diesel Coach Set Applied for Railway Transport in Our Country in 21st Century

  14. 神州号内燃动车组动力车微机控制系统

    Microcomputer-controlled systems of railcars of Shenzhou diesel multiple units

  15. 液力传动内燃动车组微机控制系统

    Hydraulic - diesel multiple unit microprocessor-based control systems

  16. 200km/h以下内燃动车组制动控制系统方案

    Scheme of Braking Control System on DMUs with Speed below 200 km / h

  17. 神州号双层内燃动车组拖车设计

    Design of Trailer Car in " Shenzhou " Double deck Diesel Motor Train Set

  18. NYJ1型内燃动车组一起单元制动故障的原因分析及改进措施

    Reason analysis and improvement measures of a unit braking failure for NYJ_1 diesel multiple units

  19. 城际和市郊旅客运输的一种理想方式&分散内燃动车组

    Good Choice of the Passenger Traffic of Intercity and Suburban Power Distributed Diesel Multiple Unit

  20. NZJ1型准高速内燃动车组

    The NZJ_1 sub high-speed diesel multiple unit

  21. 单层内燃动车组动车车体结构有限元建模及计算分析

    Car - body Finite Element Model and Calculation Analysis of Single Deck Diesel Motor Car Set

  22. 在这样的变化过程中.旅客运输采用内燃动车组车辆.无论是运营可靠性还是乘车舒适性.都还是有很好的技术特性。

    In the course of such change , to use diesel engine transportation for conveying passengers has the great advantages both in reliability and comfort .

  23. “神州”号内燃动车组中的动力车是大连机车车辆厂为北京铁路局设计制造的电传动内燃动力车。

    The railcars of " Shenzhou " diesel multiple units are diesel electric railcars designed and manufactured by Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works for Beijing Railway Bureau .

  24. 为复杂结构基于敏度信息的快速优化设计提供了可操作的实用方案。(5)对内燃动车组废气涡轮增压器压气机叶片进行了多学科优化研究。

    This chapter provides a good example of fast and optimized design of complex structure using sensitivity information . ( 5 ) Multidisciplinary optimization study of the blades of the locomotive diesel engine turbocharger compressor .

  25. 简要介绍了双层内燃动车组双层拖车的主要技术参数、总体布置、车体结构、车内设备、电气装置和主要零部件的结构特点。

    Briefly described are the main technical parameters , overall arrangement , carbody structure , equipments inside car , electric devices and structural characteristics of main parts and components on the double deck trailer cars .

  26. 介绍了180km/h内燃动车组微机控制系统硬件和软件的特点、功能及技术参数和保护参数,对内燃动车组微机控制系统的发展方向进行了探讨。

    Microprocessor control system in 180 km / h DMUs is introduced regarding the hardware and software characteristics , functions , technical parameters and protection parameters . The technical trend of microprocessor control system for DMUs is probed .

  27. 万向轴驱动装置不单被应用于内燃动车组,更是高速电力机车和电动车组(200km/h~300km/h)不可或缺的重要部件。

    The cardan shaft driving device is not only applied in the DMUs , but also acts as a deadly necessary important part in high speed electrical locomotives and EMUs ( 200 km / h ~ 300 km / h ) .

  28. 从传动方式的选择、驱动装置的布置方式、车体减重、降低噪声、制动及冷却方式的选择等方面探讨了内燃动车组研制中应注意的问题。

    The points for attention in the development of DMUs are discussed from such aspects as selection of transmission mode , arrangement mode of driving equipment , weight reduction of carbody , reduction of noise , selection of braking and cooling mode .

  29. 介绍了液力传动内燃动车组的鼓形客车钢结构的结构特点以及有限元计算应力分析,根据计算结果作了结构优化设计,取得很好的效果。

    This paper introduced the characteristics and the limited element stress analysis about the drum - shape steel structure of diesel coach set with hydraulic transmission . According to the result of calculation , the structure optimum design was given and good result was acquired .

  30. 三茂内燃摆式动车组内装及部件设计

    Design of Inner Decoration and Components of Sanmao Diesel Tilting Multiple Units