
sān jiǎo ɡǒnɡ
  • three-hinged arch
  1. 三铰拱弯矩影响线的图解法

    A diagram method for three-hinged arch influential line of moments

  2. 几种载荷同时作用下三铰拱轴线的形状优化

    Optimization of Axial Curve of Three-Hinged Arch Under Action of Few Kind of Loads

  3. 三铰拱内力计算的Excel解法

    On Calculating the Internal Force of Three - hinge Arch with Excel

  4. 合理拱轴线三铰拱平面外稳定分析

    Lateral stability analysis of triple hinged arch with rational arch axis

  5. 本文对工程上常用的三铰拱结构的内力计算进行了分析。

    The triple articulated arch structures are widely used in engineering .

  6. 长春滑冰馆蜂窝三铰拱的结构设计

    The design of castellated three hinges arch used in the Changchun skating gym

  7. 三铰拱结构内力计算程序

    Program design for the calculation of the internal stress in the triple articulated arch structure

  8. 三铰拱屋架单轨吊梁体系事故分析及改造

    Accident Analysis and Reconstruction of Monorail Hanging Beam System of Three Hinged Arch Roof Truss

  9. 三铰拱隧洞预制构件衬砌安装台车组研制与施工

    Development and Construction of Assembling Jack Plane Set for Precast Element Lining of Three-hinged Arch Tunnel

  10. 介绍了三铰拱弯矩影响线的一种图解方法,并给出了证明。

    This paper introduces a diagram method for three-hinged arch influential line of monents and completely proves it .

  11. 提出一种新型屋架结构&Γ型柱抛物线三铰拱空间桁架组合大跨结构,导出了该结构有关的设计计算公式。

    This papaer presents a new structure , which is compound large span structures of Γ frame parabolical three hinged arch space truss .

  12. 本文介绍的结构方案是:Γ型柱抛物线三铰拱空间桁架组合大跨结构,按固体力学力学分析的方法,导出了杆件的内力计算公式。

    This paper presents a plan of fhe structure , which is compound Larg - span structures of Γ farme parabolical three hinged arch space-truss .

  13. 三铰拱的内力常因截面处拱轴切线水平倾角的变化而变化,内力计算显得比较麻烦,且计算工程量较大。

    Three-hinge arch is an abnormal style of construction , but the internal force of cross-section of three-hinge arch is always changing as the angle changes .

  14. 爆炸作用下坑道三铰拱衬套在支承运动下的非线性反应分析复合板件地下结构非线性问题的双有限厚条法

    NONLINEAR DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF A THREE-HINGED-ARCH SUBJECTED TO THE GROUND EXPLOSIVE WAVE A Finite Thick Double-Strip Method for Analyzing Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Underground Construction with Composite Material

  15. 本文就长春滑冰馆的蜂窝形空腹三铰拱的计算,探讨蜂窝形空腹压弯杆件的几种计算方法。

    By the calculation of castellated three hinge arch used in the Changchun Skating Gym , the several calculating method of castellated beam-columns are introduced in this paper .

  16. 铜绿山矿某三铰拱屋架单轨吊梁结构体系,因技术改造增加设备简体重量,随意用滑轮组起吊检修,导致拱架上弦全截面贯通式开裂的结构事故。

    Then the structural accident of total section drive-through type crack is caused in arch frame top chord , which is induced by hoisting and detection using pulley arbitrarily .

  17. 通过无铰拱、双铰拱、三铰拱的体系对比分析,讨论分析了拱自身连接条件对结构受力形态的影响;

    Through comparative study of hingeless arch bridge 、 two-hinged arch bridge and three-hinged arch bridge , the influence of connection condition of arch on mechanical condition is discussed .

  18. 本文根据迭加原理编写的三铰拱内力计算机程序可用来方便地计算在复杂荷载作用下产生的弯矩、剪力和轴力。

    The computing internal forces procedure in Three Hinged Arch based on the principle of superposition can easily be used for calculation of bending moment shears and axial forces under the complex loads .

  19. 均匀受压三铰圆拱的屈曲

    Buckling of a uniformly compressed circular arch with three hinges

  20. 简支楔形变截面工字钢梁的弹性弯扭屈曲均匀受压工字型等截面三铰圆弧钢拱的平面内稳定性和极限强度

    In-plane inelastic stability and ultimate strength of uniform I-section three-hinged circular steel arch in uniform compression