
  • 网络Content Filtering;Content Filter
  1. Web内容过滤实现方法的研究

    Research on the Implementation of Web Content Filtering

  2. 互联网WEB信息内容过滤系统

    Internet WEB Information Content Filtering System

  3. 基于自然语言处理的Web内容过滤模型

    Web C on tent Filter Based on Natural Language Processing

  4. 一种基于透明webcache的内容过滤实现框架

    A Framework of Content Filter Based on Transparent Web Cache

  5. 过滤Agent负责信息的过滤工作,采用内容过滤和协作过滤相结合的方式。

    Information filtering agent is in charge of information filtering , using content filtering and collaborative filtering .

  6. 对Web页进行必要的、有效的内容过滤对于营造健康、安全的网络环境具有重要的意义。

    It is important to construct a healthy and secure network circumstance through necessary and effective content filtering to Web page accessing .

  7. 基于URL过滤与内容过滤的网络净化模型

    A Model of Web Purifying Based on URL Filter and Content Filter

  8. 内容过滤模块主要是采用信息过滤的基本知识对数据包中内容的安全性进行检测,并反馈安全信号给IP地址安全性判定模块表明该数据包的安全性。

    Content filter module examines the security of the information in the package , and feedback a signal to the IP address security determinant module .

  9. 在TIS的WWW代理服务中实现基于网络安全的内容过滤

    Implementing Content Filtering Based on Network Security in WWW Proxy of TIS

  10. 利用CDO实现E-mail内容过滤

    Implementation of E-mail contents filtering using CDO

  11. 在该防火墙中,主要实现两个功能:其一是根据IP地址实现对网络上传输信息流的内容过滤,并依据过滤结果动态的修改IP地址库;

    This firewall mostly implements two functions : first filer the data information on network and modify the IP address database based on the result of filtering ;

  12. 介绍了Web内容过滤的技术原理以及如何通过防火墙实现的方法。通过所设计的“内容过滤模型”体现出“用防火墙实现内容过滤”的优势。

    This paper presents the technical principle of Web content filtering and the implementing method on the fire wall and designs a content filtering model to show the advantage of the implementing on the fire wall .

  13. 首先,要提高Ajax应用程序性能,应该使用一些方法改善性能而不是优化带宽(例如XML内容过滤和XML加速)。

    First , to speed up Ajax applications , you should address the means of improving performance other than bandwidth optimization ( such as XML content filtering and XML acceleration capabilities ) .

  14. 本文主要对当前Web内容过滤的方法和应用进行了分析与研究,重点描述了一种基于模式匹配技术的内容过滤技术&模式过滤方式,并对其应用进行了分析。

    This paper mainly studies the current methods and applications of the Web Content Filter . It focuses on describing a kind of filter technology based on Pattern Matching , Pattern Filter method , and furthermore , analyses its application .

  15. 该防火墙中主要包括三个模块:IP地址安全性判定模块,内容过滤模块和加/解密模块,这三个模块相互结合完成该防火墙的主要工作。

    There are three modules in this firewall : IP address security determinant module , content filter module and encryption / decryption module . These modules integrated each other to implement the function of this firewall .

  16. 文章研究了Web文本内容过滤的方法,分析了向量空间模型、关键词匹配算法等关键技术,并详细讨论了Web网页中文本内容过滤方法的实现过程。

    In this paper , the method of the text content filtering in Web pages is studied , the key techniques such as vector space model and keywords matching algorithm are analyzed , and then the implementing process of the text content filtering in Web pages is discussed in detail .

  17. 该模型在运用WCCP协议的前提下,结合了URL过滤和内容过滤这两种过滤方法对网络信息进行过滤,改进了传统的URL过滤算法。

    This model works on the protocol of WCCP . It filters the Web information by combining the models of the URL filter and the content filter and improves the traditional mechanisms of URL filter .

  18. 针对不同的垃圾邮件过滤方法过滤结果是否具有可比性的问题,设计并实现了用于垃圾邮件内容过滤的测试平台PTSCF。

    For the Problem of comparability of different Spam filtering methods , a Platform for Test of Spam Contents Filtering ( PTSCF ), was designed and implemented .

  19. 第六部分详细设计了应用层封包过滤模块中的站点、应用程序、网页内容过滤模块,和核心层封包过滤模块中的ICMP和网上邻居等过滤模块。

    The sixth part designs in detail the applied layer data package filter module , including the web page contents filter module , application filter module and web site filter module and designs ICMP data package filter module , net neighbor filter module , etc. in the core layer module .

  20. 计算机信息网络内容过滤系统的研究与实现

    The Study and Implement of Computer Information Network Content Filtering System

  21. 一种用于内容过滤和检测的快速多关键词识别算法

    A New Fast String Matching Algorithm for Content Filtering and Detection

  22. 通过基于规则的算法实现信息内容过滤。

    We realize content security filter by using the rule-based approaches .

  23. 垃圾邮件内容过滤测试平台的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of platform for test of spam contents filtering

  24. 规则匹配是短信内容过滤的第一阶段。

    Rules Matching is the first phase of SMS Content Filtering .

  25. 个性化信息服务中的内容过滤技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Information Filtering in the Personalized Information Service

  26. 邮件内容过滤的中文编码盲识别算法

    Chinese Encoding Charsets Blind Identification Algorithm for E-mail Content Filtering

  27. 基于内容过滤的局域网防泄密系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Content-based Information Anti-Leakage System in LAN

  28. 一种基于嵌入式协议栈的内容过滤防火墙技术

    A Content Filter Firewall Technology Based on Embedded Protocol Stack

  29. 基于地址与内容过滤的垃圾邮件过滤器设计

    Design of anti - spam mail filter based on address and content

  30. 其次,本文介绍了对于内容过滤常用的信息获取模型。

    Then this paper introduces the information retrieval model of content filtering .