
  • 网络swissinfo.ch;Swissinfo;Swissinfo.org
  1. 据“瑞士资讯”报道,日内瓦大学77名长期坐办公室的雇员参与到了这项研究中来,在为期三个月的实验期里楼梯是他们上下楼的唯一途径。

    For the study , 77 employees from Geneva University with a sedentary lifestyle were recruited to take only the stairs over a three-month period , Swissinfo reported .

  2. 瑞士资讯网援引迈尔博士的话说,坚持爬楼梯能够提高身体素质,改善身体结构、血压和血脂水平。

    Banning the use of lifts and escalators led to better fitness , less body fat , trimmer waistlines and a drop in blood pressure , the study found .