
  • 网络Short Link;shorturl
  1. Facebook和推特(Twitter)上的短链接越来越流行了,很难分辨这些链接最终指向哪里。

    With the advent of shorten links on Facebook and Twitter , it 's hard to tell where the end destination is .

  2. 在资源编辑器中的痕迹(breadcrumb)显示中,现在有一个按钮可用于检索选定资源的URL的短链接。

    In the breadcrumb display in a resource editor , a button is now available to retrieve the " short link " for the URL of the selected resource .

  3. 像我的就写,“SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。”包含你公司网站的短链接是可以接受的,但是避免出现一系列推广你的项目和出版物的链接。4.务必包含结尾。

    Mine just says , " Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 . " A short link to your website is fine but avoid a laundry list of links promoting your projects and publications 。 4 . Do include some kind of sign-off 。

  4. 包含你公司网站的短链接是可以接受的,但是避免出现一系列推广你的项目和出版物的链接。

    A short link to your website is fine but avoid a laundry list of links promoting your projects and publications .

  5. 如果希望复制链接,以包含在外部文档或电子邮件中,那么短链接很有用。

    The short link is useful if you want to copy the link for inclusion in an external document or email .

  6. 该算法利用网络中所有节点的局部信息保持网络的连通性,同时利用最短路径算法计算链接权值的大小来进行拓扑结构的调整。

    The algorithm maintains network connectivity only based on locally collected information and adjusts the topology structure according to the shortest-path algorithm by calculating the link weight .