
  1. 当然,美化照片并不是什么新技术,Photoshop这样的图片处理软件我们已经使用了很久。

    Photo enhancements are nothing new , of course and Photoshop has been readily available for a long time .

  2. 美图app每个月帮助2.7亿用户美化照片,尤其对于重视形象的社交软件达人,用美图瘦脸,拉长腿,或者给照片增加趣味是上传照片之前必不可少的工序。

    Meitu app helps 270 million monthly active users slim faces , lengthen legs and otherwise spice up their online appearance - essential among image-obsessed social media mavens .

  3. 超三分之一女性(34%)在向好友分享照片前,都会事先使用如Instagram等网上滤镜美化照片。

    More than third of women ( 34 ) use filters on sites such as Instagram to make themselves look better in pictures before sharing them with friends .

  4. 走在潮流最前端的电子化妆师之一是来自巴黎的伊娜·玛泽(网名叫伊娜·阿尔法),Instagram上的多位艺术家、音乐人和模特都使用过她设计的妆容来美化照片。

    One artist at the forefront of the trend is Parisian Ines Marzet , known online as Ines Alpha , whose creations have adorned pictures of artists , musicians and models on Instagram .

  5. 所有的这些美化照片导致大家对于中国女性在现实生活中的模样有了不切实际的期望。

    All this extreme digital photo editing is leading to unrealistic expectations as to what Chinese women actually look like in real life .

  6. 在用手机拍照之后,用户可以用一系列滤镜美化照片,或添加一些细节:他们可以增加边框、阴影或调成怀旧色调,并改善色彩和明暗。

    After snapping with a camera phone , people can apply a range of filters or details to photographs : they can add borders , shadows or a sepia tone , and enhance the colours and shadows .

  7. 我讨厌她美化每张照片。

    I hate how she beautifies every picture she takes .

  8. 我的大多数女性朋友在社交媒体发布照片之前一定会先美化这些照片,这已经成为发照片的“必经之路”,成为一个根深蒂固的习惯。

    Most of my female friends edit their faces before posting pictures on social media - it 's a must-do , ingrained step .

  9. 一般来说,这些人在网上发布照片之前都会用图片美化工具对照片进行处理。

    Normally , they will use digital tools of face beautification before posting any photos online .

  10. 受Snapchat和Instagram上的增强现实滤镜热潮启发,电子化妆师让你能够下载异国风情的妆容来美化你的照片。

    Inspired by the craze for AR filters on Snapchat and Instagram , " e-make up " artists enable you to download outlandish make-up looks to enhance your digital self .

  11. 又有另一个人问我为什么用这样的“生活照”而不是美化过的照片。

    Another charmer asked me why I used such " life like photos " rather than edited pictures .

  12. 有人问我为什么更喜欢用“生活照”,而不是美化过的照片。

    One charmer asked me why I used such " life like photos " rather than edited pictures .

  13. 用一款应用美化你的照片是如此地有趣——在大部分情况下,也是无害的。

    Photoshopping your face with an app is just that - fun - and isn 't harmful in most cases .

  14. 周三,谷歌宣布对社交服务Google+进行升级,增加了包括自动美化在内的多项照片处理功能。

    On Wednesday , the company unveiled a set of improvements to the photo capabilities of Google + , its social network , that include the automatic refinishing of images .