
  • 网络U.S. Central Command;CENTCOM;United States central command;USCENTCOM
  1. 我们需要更多联军和阿富汗安全部队,包括增加训练团队,帮助建立阿富汗国家军队和阿富汗国家警察,美国中央司令部司令戴维•彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)上将最近在华盛顿一次会议上说。

    We will need more coalition and Afghan security forces , including additional training teams to help develop the Afghan national army and the Afghan national police , General David Petraeus , the head of US central command , told a Washington conference last week .

  2. 沃特尔在2016年到2019年期间担任美国中央司令部司令。

    Votel commanded U.S. Central Command from 2016-2019 .

  3. 美国中央司令部司令詹姆斯·马蒂斯将军,今天出席参议院军事委员会的听证会。

    General James Mattis , head of U.S. Central Command , testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee today .

  4. 美国中央司令部表示,今天美国又发动了四次空袭,摧毁了装甲车和卡车,这些设施曾在辛贾尔附近袭击平民。

    US central command says four more air strikes today took out armored carriers and a truck , that were firing on civilians near Sinjar .

  5. 美国中央司令部表示,这轮袭击摧毁了一些武装车辆,其中包括在埃尔比勒市附近袭击库尔德军队的车辆。

    The US central command says the strike 's to destroy armed vehicles including one that was firing on Kurdish forces approaching the city of Erbil .

  6. 美国中央司令部的首脑大卫?彼得雷乌斯将军警告说,美国,阿富汗,和加拿大的军事力量将尝试强行夺取对全省的控制来应对塔利班的那种“令人发指的行径”。

    General David Petraeus , head of US Central Command , has warned that " horrific actions " by the Taliban will meet the attempt by American , Afghan and Canadian forces to wrest control of the province .