
  • 网络U.S. Naval War College;Naval War College;United States Naval War College;US Naval War College;Naudio-videoing War College
  1. 美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)的安德鲁埃里克森(andrewerickson)表示:“水下是少有的几个可以免受中国导弹打击的区域之一。”

    As Andrew Erickson , of the US Naval War College , notes : " underwater is one of the few areas that is safe from Chinese missiles . "

  2. 他补充称,考虑到美中高级海军军官计划于下月出席在罗得岛新港美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)召开的一次会议,探讨海事透明度及合作问题,(中方)此举颇具讽刺意味。

    He added that the move was ironic given that senior US and Chinese naval officers were next month planning to attend a conference at the US Naval War College in Newport , Rhode Island , on maritime transparency and co-operation .