
  1. 展示实力增进了解推进业务第五届中国国际航空航天博览会巡礼随着航空事业的不断发展,世界范围内举办的大型航空航天博览会(简称航展)也越来越多。

    Report from Airshow China 2004 With the increasing development of aviation , more and more large international aeronautics and astronautics shows ( airhow ) have been held in the world .

  2. 中国航天科工集团发言人吕晓戈于上周三在第十一届中国国际航空航天博览会上宣布了该消息。

    The news was announced last Wednesday at the 11th China International Aviation And Aerospace Exhibition by Lyu Xiaoge , a spokesperson for China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.