
  • 网络Chinese folk song
  1. 主题&动机分析在中国民歌中的应用

    Theme Motif Analysis as Applied in Chinese Folk Songs

  2. 你经常唱中国民歌吗?

    Do you often sing Chinese folk songs ?

  3. 中国民歌主题钢琴变奏曲研究

    The Study of Chinese Folk Theme as Piano Variation

  4. 提问:请问你们所理解的中国民歌是什么?

    Question : What 's the Chinese folk song ?

  5. 论中国民歌的艺术特征

    On the artistic features of chinese folk songs

  6. 另一首歌是中国民歌《茉莉花》。

    The other song is " Jasmine Flower , " a Chinese folk song .

  7. 论中国民歌的体裁与风格

    On the Style of Chinese Fole Songs

  8. 中国民歌的地域风格分类

    Region Style Classification of Chinese folk song

  9. 中国民歌的地理探析

    A Geographical Study of Chinese Folk Songs

  10. 事实上,只有深入地理解和全面地剖析中国民歌,才能更好地诠释民歌。

    In fact , only knowing and analysising the Chinese folk songs deeply , we can explain them better .

  11. 以中国民歌作为钢琴变奏曲主题的音乐作品,融合了民族音乐元素与西方作曲技法。

    The music whose theme is piano variation with Chinese folk blends national music elements with western techniques of composition .

  12. 在博大精深、源远流长的中华文化大家庭中,中国民歌具有独特的地位,它是民族文化传承的重要载体,是艺术与人性在灵魂深处碰撞的火花。

    Chinese folk song plays a vital role in the big family of the long-history and rich traditional Chinese culture .

  13. 中国民歌翻译的难度可见一斑,但同时也为民歌翻译研究留下很大的空间。

    The translating of Chinese folk songs are very difficult , but this also leaves much space for the further studying on it .

  14. 其中的民族音乐元素主要包括中国民歌主题、结构思维、音乐文化及音乐发展手法等;

    And national music elements mainly include Chinese folk theme , structure style , music culture and music developing techniques , and so on ;

  15. 南宁国际民歌艺术节是中国民歌国际化的里程碑。

    The Nanning International Folk Songs Festival served as a landmark and prepared a path to success for the internationalization of China 's folk songs .

  16. 意大利商会会长为了欢迎意大利贵宾,献上了意大利和中国民歌。

    To welcome the Italian guests , the president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce sang an Italian folk song and a Chinese folk song .

  17. 中国民歌的演唱艺术(即民族声乐)历经几千年的发展,逐渐形成了千姿百态、变化多端的演唱风格。

    With the development of several thousands of years , various styles exist for folk song singing ( namely national singing or Chinese vocal art ) .

  18. 然而民歌的翻译,尤其是中国民歌的翻译长久以来并没有受到足够的重视。

    However , the translation of folk songs , especially the translation of Chinese folk songs , has not been valued for such a long time .

  19. 在一个空间里,中国民歌《四季歌》被放到了显微镜下面,因此可以听见它的细节,虽然在通常情况下这是听不到的。

    In one room the Chinese Song of Four Seasons is put under a microscope so that one can hear details , which are normally not audible .

  20. 在中华民族的音乐发展中,中国民歌合唱不仅体现着特有的民族文化和民族情感,更是突出表现出和谐统一的审美特征。

    In the Chinese music development in Chinese folk song chorus , not only embodies the unique national culture and emotion , is outstanding performance harmony aesthetic features .

  21. 河北民歌体裁丰富,种类多样,是一个资源丰富的宝藏,在中国民歌发展的历史长河中有着举足轻重的作用。

    Hebei rich folk songs , kinds , the genre is a rich resources , the treasure of the Chinese folk songs in the long history of has a pivotal role .

  22. 山西民歌作为中国民歌的一个重要分支,因其质朴的语言,丰富的内容,浓郁的地方特色,独特的演唱方式和艺术特征而深受听众喜爱。

    As an important branch of Chinese folk songs , Shanxi folk songs are popular with listeners for their plain language , rich content , full-bodied local color , unique singing style and artistic features .

  23. 中国民歌极具地方特色,多用方言与俗语,翻译时不仅要考虑到字里行间,还要注意音乐的韵律、节奏和声调。

    The Chinese folk songs are of local colors , dialects and common sayings . Not only should the meanings of the words be paid attention to , but also the rhymes , rhythms and tones of music .

  24. 本文对民歌合唱的特点加以分析,对民歌合唱音乐的审美特征进行了多方面的探讨和研究,主要分为以下几个章节进行论述:第一章节是中国民歌合唱音乐的概述。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of folk chorus , chorus music aesthetic features of folk songs in a number of areas to explore and research , mainly is divided into the following chapters : The first chapter is a Chinese folk song chorus overview .

  25. 南宁国际民歌节的成功、遗憾与创新论中国传统民歌文化在当代的传承、发展、繁荣

    Nanning International Folk Song Art Festival : Success , Regret and Innovation

  26. 从中国古代民歌翻译看直译与意译

    Research on Literal and Free Translation through Chinese Ancient Folk Songs Translation

  27. 中国古代民歌受歧视的现象及起因

    An Anatomy of Discrimination in Chinese Ancient Folk Songs

  28. 探析中国传统民歌与人民精神生活的关系

    On the Relations between Chinese Traditional Folk Songs and People 's Spiritual Life

  29. 书画同源吗?&我对书画同源和书画异源的异议中国同宗民歌琐议

    On the Chinese Folk Songs of the Same Source

  30. 在拱廊上,一个叫彭世勇的高个子的老人在唱著中国传统民歌。

    In an archway , a tall elderly gentleman named Peng Shi Yong is singing a traditional Chinese ballad .